CFD trading for beginners - 2024 investing guide

CFD trading
July 24, 2023

CFD trading for beginners - 2024 investing guide

CFDs (Contracts for Differences) have been a part of the financial landscape for some time and are considered more complex financial instruments. This article provides an essential overview of the key aspects you need to understand when trading CFDs. Let's take a closer look at the CFD trading for beginners guide!

What is a contract for differences (CFD) trading

You might be wondering first and foremost what is CFD trading. Contract for Differences (CFD) trading is a popular form of financial derivative trading that allows investors to speculate on the price movements of various financial assets without owning the underlying assets themselves. This type of trading provides an opportunity to profit from both rising and falling markets by entering into a contract with a broker, where the difference in the asset's price from the time the contract is opened to when it is closed is settled in cash. CFDs are available on a wide range of financial instruments - including stocks, commodities, currencies, and indices, making them a versatile option for traders looking to diversify their portfolios and leverage their investments. 

CFD trading meaning

So what is a CFD in trading? A Contract for Difference (CFD) is a widely used financial derivative that gets its value from an underlying asset, such as indices, commodities, currencies, or equities. CFD trading enables investors to speculate on the price movements of explosive global markets, both upwards and downwards, without needing to own the actual asset.

Pros and cons of CFDs

Understanding CFD basics for beginners is essential for anyone looking to venture into this dynamic trading method. With many benefits of CFD trading, there are some things to know and pay attention to as well. Let's look into the pros and cons of CFD trading to help you make informed decisions.


  • Leverage: CFDs allow traders to amplify their exposure with a smaller initial investment.
  • Flexibility: Trade a wide range of markets from a single platform.
  • Hedging: CFDs can be used to hedge against potential losses in other investments.


  • Leverage Risk: Amplified losses can exceed initial investments.
  • Fees: Spread costs and overnight fees can accumulate.
  • Complexity: CFDs can be complex and may not be suitable for all investors.

CFD trading examples and formulas

The important part to get a good understanding of when talking about CFD for beginners is looking at examples. When you open a CFD, you're entering into an agreement with a broker. If you anticipate that an asset's price will rise, you take a "Long" (Buy) position, expecting its value to increase over time. Conversely, if you predict a decline in the asset's price, you take a "Short" (Sell) position, expecting its value to decrease.

Leverage is a fundamental concept in CFD trading. It allows you to control a larger position with a smaller initial deposit, known as the margin. For instance, if you want to buy $1,000 worth of stock using CFDs, you might only need to deposit $100. This leverage allows you to manage a bigger trade with less capital.

Here's how leverage works: With a leverage ratio of 10:1, a $100 deposit allows you to control a $1,000 trade. If the stock price increases by 5% and you have a long position, you'll gain $50 (5% of $1,000), which is significantly more than the $10 (5% of $100) you would have earned without leverage. However, if you short the same stock and its price rises by 5%, you'll lose $50.

While leverage can significantly boost your potential profits, it also amplifies your risk. If the stock price falls, your losses are magnified. Therefore, it’s crucial to use leverage carefully and understand the associated risks. Effective risk management and a solid understanding of market dynamics are essential when trading CFDs with leverage.

A simple conclusion of cfd trading strategies for beginners - if you believe the price of a stock will rise, you can buy a CFD contract for that stock. If the stock price increases, you earn the difference between the purchase price and the higher price. Conversely, if the price falls, you incur a loss. The formula for CFD trading example would look something like this: Profit/Loss = (Closing Price - Opening Price) * Number of CFD Units - Costs

Types of CFDs to invest

Contract for Differences (CFDs) offers a versatile and dynamic way to trade a wide range of financial markets without owning the underlying assets. This flexibility allows investors to engage with various asset classes, each presenting unique opportunities and risks. From shares and commodities to cryptocurrencies and forex, different types of CFDs cater to diverse investment strategies and objectives. Understanding the various types of CFDs available and CFD trading basics for trading is crucial for building a well-rounded portfolio and making informed decisions. 

Shares CFD trading

Shares CFD trading allows investors to speculate on the price movements of individual company stocks without actually owning the shares. This form of trading allows traders to benefit from both rising and falling stock prices, offering opportunities to profit in various market conditions. Shares CFDs are popular due to their flexibility and the leverage they provide, allowing traders to gain greater exposure with a relatively small investment. However, it's important to understand the risks involved, as leverage can amplify both gains and losses. 

Crypto CFD trading

Crypto CFD trading lets investors speculate on the price movements of cryptocurrencies without having to own the digital assets themselves. This method of trading allows for the use of leverage, meaning traders can open larger positions with a smaller amount of capital, thus potentially increasing their returns. CFD trading cryptocurrency offers exposure to a wide range of digital currencies, including popular ones like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. While CFD crypto trading can be highly profitable due to the significant volatility in the cryptocurrency markets, it also carries substantial risks, making it essential for traders to employ effective risk management strategies.

Forex CFD trading  

Forex CFD trading involves speculating on the price movements of currency pairs, such as EUR/USD or GBP/JPY, without owning the actual currencies. This type of CFD trading is highly popular due to the liquidity and 24-hour nature of the forex market. Traders can take advantage of leverage to maximize their exposure, enabling them to potentially profit from even small movements in currency prices. Forex CFDs provide an efficient way to trade the global currency markets, but they also come with significant risks, particularly due to leverage and the inherent volatility of forex trading. Proper market analysis and risk management are crucial for success in forex trading CFDs.

Dividends CFD trading

Dividends CFD trading allows investors to speculate on the price movements of dividend-paying stocks while also potentially earning the dividend payouts. When holding a CFD on a dividend-paying stock, traders may receive a cash adjustment equivalent to the dividend, without needing to own the underlying shares. This can be an attractive feature for those looking to benefit from both capital gains and income. However, it’s important to be aware of the costs and risks associated with CFD trading, such as financing fees and the potential for leveraged losses, which can impact the overall profitability of CFD trading dividends.

Other CFD trading methods

Other CFD trading methods encompass a wide range of financial instruments, including commodities, indices, and bonds. Commodity CFDs allow traders to speculate on the price movements of raw materials like gold, oil, and agricultural products. Index CFDs allow investors to trade on the performance of entire stock market indices, such as the S&P 500 or the FTSE 100, providing broad market exposure. Bond CFDs offer opportunities to trade government and corporate bonds, reflecting changes in interest rates and credit conditions. 

How to start trading CFDs

Starting to trade Contracts for Differences (CFDs) can be an exciting and potentially profitable endeavor, but it requires careful preparation and a solid understanding of the market. Let’s take a closer look at how to start CFD trading. It’s important to know CFD strategy for beginners. It is essential to select a reliable trading platform, understand the mechanics of trading CFD, and develop a well-thought-out trading strategy. Additionally, traders should familiarize themselves with the risks involved, including leverage and market volatility, and implement effective risk management practices. By taking these CFD trading steps, new traders can build a strong foundation and increase their chances of success in the dynamic world of CFD trading. Let’s take a closer look at the basic CFD trading guide.

Step 1: Research trading platforms

Begin by finding a reliable broker that offers CFD trading services. Look for a broker that is well-regulated, user-friendly, and transparent about its fees. Reading reviews and comparing different brokers can help you choose the one that best meets your needs. For instance, Change is regulated in the Netherlands and offers a straightforward platform. You can review the pricing research conducted by Change to make an informed decision.

You get the least types of fees when trading with Change.
Step 2: Open an account

After selecting your broker, you need to create an account. This process involves providing personal information, verifying your identity, and answering questions about your trading experience. Once your account is set up, you'll need to deposit funds. Change allows initial deposits via bank transfer, followed by options to deposit using your card or cryptocurrency. Start with a manageable amount, avoiding both very small and excessively large initial deposits.

First you need to complete verification. This process typically takes a few minutes to complete, which includes verifying your basic account information, providing ID documentation, and uploading a selfie/portrait.
Once Change confirms your identity, you're ready to move on to the next step.
Step 3: Learn about CFD trading

Before diving into trading, it's crucial to understand the basics of CFDs, including long and short positions, leverage, and risk management. Take advantage of educational resources, such as the Change blog, and practice with small amounts to build your confidence and knowledge.

Step 4: Fund your account

Deposit funds into your trading account to start trading. The amount you deposit will influence your trading capacity, especially with leverage options provided by Change, ranging from 2x to 30x on Forex. Only use funds that you can afford to risk, as CFD trading can lead to losses.

You’ll need to send a deposit of at least €10 from your bank.
Though Change requires your first deposit to be a SEPA bank transfer, you’ll instantly unlock debit card and crypto deposits.
Step 5: Choose the asset to trade

With your account funded, decide on the assets you want to trade. CFDs are available on a variety of financial instruments, including stocks, indices, commodities, currencies, and cryptocurrencies. Choose assets that interest you and that you feel confident in analyzing.

Choose from over 400 instruments including stocks, indices, Forex, commodities, and crypto, all with the power of leverage.
Step 6: Analyze the market

Conduct a thorough market analysis before placing a trade. Use technical analysis to study past price patterns and trends, or fundamental analysis to examine underlying factors like company financials or economic indicators. Be aware of the current price levels to make informed trading decisions. Join the Change Telegram community to exchange ideas and learn from others.

Learn more from the market news and community ideas to make a wise decision for your next trade.
Step 7: Place your trade

After analyzing the market and deciding on your strategy, place your CFD trade. If you expect the asset's price to rise, take a long (Buy) position; if you expect it to fall, take a short (Sell) position. Determine the position size and leverage based on your risk tolerance.

Choose Buy if you think the price of the instrument is moving up. Or Sell if you think it’s moving down.
With some of the lowest spreads and overnight fees around, you’ll enjoy saving money and getting more from every trade.
Step 8: Monitor and manage your trade

Once your trade is active, monitor its progress closely. Market prices can change rapidly, so be ready to adjust or close your position if needed. Use 'Take Profit' and 'Stop Loss' orders to manage your risk and secure potential profits. These tools are available free of charge and help you control your trades by setting automatic closure levels.

Set 'Take Profit' and 'Stop Loss' levels to help manage your risk and potential profits.
Step 9: Close your trade

Close your CFD trade when you meet your trading objectives or when market conditions warrant. If your trade is successful, the profit will be credited to your trading account. You can then choose to reinvest your earnings or withdraw the funds to your bank account.

CFD Investing FAQ

Can you make money from CFD trading

Yes, you can make money from CFD trading by speculating on the price movements of various financial instruments. Traders can profit from both rising and falling markets, which provides flexibility in different market conditions. The potential for high returns is one of the main attractions of CFD trading, thanks to the leverage offered by brokers. 

Is CFD trading safe

CFD trading is inherently risky due to the leverage involved and the volatility of the markets. While it offers the potential for high returns, it also exposes traders to the possibility of significant losses that can exceed their initial investment. The safety of CFD trading largely depends on the trader's knowledge, experience, and approach to risk management. 

What is the CFD trading fee

CFD trading fees can include various costs such as spreads, commissions, and overnight financing charges. The spread is the difference between the buy and sell prices and is the primary cost of entering a CFD trade. Some brokers also charge a commission on each trade, particularly for shares of CFDs but it is possible to do commission-free CFD trading. Additionally, if you hold a CFD position overnight, you may incur a financing charge, also known as a rollover fee, which reflects the cost of maintaining the leveraged position.

How much do CFD traders earn

The earnings of CFD traders can vary widely depending on their trading skills, strategies, market conditions, and risk management practices. Experienced and successful traders may earn substantial profits, while those who are less experienced or do not manage risks effectively can incur significant losses. 

CFDs vs. stocks

CFDs and stocks represent different ways of trading financial markets. When you trade stocks, you are buying and owning shares of a company, entitling you to dividends and voting rights. In contrast, trading CFDs involves speculating on the price movements of stocks without owning the underlying shares. CFDs offer the advantage of leverage, allowing traders to gain larger exposure with a smaller amount of capital, and the ability to profit from both rising and falling markets.

Best CFD trading tips and strategies

Understanding CFD trading requires a well-thought-out approach and disciplined strategies. Key CFD trading tips for beginners include starting with a clear trading plan that outlines your goals, risk tolerance, and preferred trading style. Utilize stop-loss orders to limit potential losses and protect your capital. Diversify your trades to spread risk across different markets and assets. Stay informed about market news and trends to make educated trading decisions. Practice on a demo account to hone your skills without risking real money. Last but not least, manage your leverage wisely to avoid overexposure, and continuously review and adjust your strategies based on performance and changing market conditions.

Best CFD trading apps and platforms

Several CFD trading apps and platforms stand out for their features, usability, and reliability. MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) are highly popular due to their comprehensive charting tools, automated trading capabilities, and broad range of assets. Plus500 is known for its user-friendly interface and wide selection of CFDs on various instruments. eToro offers a social trading feature, allowing users to follow and copy the trades of successful traders. IG Markets provides a robust platform with extensive educational resources and advanced trading tools. The Change app also excels with its intuitive design, strong security measures, and competitive fees, making it an excellent choice for both new and experienced traders. Choosing the best platform depends on individual trading needs, such as ease of use, available assets, and specific trading features.

Invest in CFDs with Change trading app

Ready to dive into the dynamic world of CFD trading? The Change trading app offers a user-friendly platform to help you get started. It’s the perfect CFD trading platform for beginners. With Change, you can access a wide range of CFDs across various financial instruments, including stocks, commodities, cryptocurrencies, and forex, all from the convenience of your mobile device. Our app provides comprehensive tools and resources to support your trading journey, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader. Benefit from competitive spreads, an intuitive interface, and robust risk management features designed to benefit your trading experience. Start your CFD trading journey today by downloading the Change trading app and take advantage of the opportunities in global financial markets.

Don’t wait – invest in your future with Change!