These are the terms and conditions of using the services of Change divided into specific chapters. By signing up you agree that you have read, understood, and accept all of the relevant terms and conditions. If you do not agree or fail to adhere to these or any other rules of any of the services, you are not entitled to use the services.
Käesolevad tingimused on kättesaadavad eesti keeles ainult teavitamise eesmärgil, semantilise lahknevuse korral on ülimuslik ingliskeelne versioon
In force from 2022-06-16
Need on Change'i teenuste üldised kasutustingimused. Meie Veebisaidi või Rakenduste kaudu registreerudes kinnitate, et olete kõik Tingimused läbi lugenud ja neist aru saanud ning nõustute nendega. Kui te tingimustega või mõne muu teenuse reeglitega ei nõustu või neid ei järgi , pole teil õigust meie teenuseid kasutada.
Nendes tingimustes, sealhulgas nende preambulis, on alltoodud suure algustähega kirjutatud terminitel järgmine tähendus, välja arvatud juhul, kui on sõnaselgelt öeldud teisiti või teistsugune tähendus on kontekstist ilmne:
Kasutajakonto – Kasutaja poolt avatud kasutajakonto Change’is, mille kaudu saab Kasutaja juurdepääsu Teenustele, sh Ärikontole;
Rakendused – Change'i veebirakendus ning Androidi ja iOS-i mobiilirakendused, mis annavad juurdepääsu Teenustele;
Ärikonto – Juriidilise isiku poolt avatud Kasutajakonto Change’is, mille kaudu saab Kasutaja kasutada rakendustes näidatud konkreetseid ja piiratud Teenuseid;
Change – xChange AS, Eesti aktsiaselts, mille registrikood on 14428150 ja aadress on Rävala pst 4, Tallinn 10143 . Sõnad „meie“ ja „me“ viitavad Change'ile ja/või, kui asjakohane, Indexa B.V.-le;
Change'i Tokenid või Tokenid – Krüptograafilised ERC-20-tokenid, mille Change on välja andnud Change'i tokenitena (CAG) ja rakendustes Change'i võlakirjainstrumendi-laadsete tokenitena (CNG). Loetelu krüptovaraturgudest, kus Tokenitega saab kaubelda, võib Change igal ajal oma äranägemise järgi ja eelnevalt teavitamata muuta;
Vahetuskurss – Toetatud krüptovara ühe ühiku hind või vahetuskurss, kusjuures pakutava vara hinna määrab Change. Vahetuskurss saadakse mitmeid tegureid arvestades, nagu vara otsene ja kaudne soetusmaksumus ja tehingu tururisk, millele Change tehingut läbi viies avatud on, Viitekurss kui näitlik hinnapunkt ning konverteerimistasu, nagu on kirjeldatud jaotises „Tasud ja limiidid“;
Vahetusteenus – Reguleeritud krüptovaravahetuse teenus (mille osutamiseks on Change saanud Rahapesu Andmebüroo tegevusloa nr FVT000072), mille abil saavad Kasutajad Change'ilt osta toetatud krüptovarasid, vahetades neid kindlaksmääratud usaldusraha või teiste toetatud krüptovarade vastu, või toetatud kindlaksmääratud usaldusraha, vahetades neid toetatud krüptovarade vastu; sealhulgas teenused nagu Turuhinnaga Korraldus, Määratud Hinnaga Korraldus, Stoppkorraldus ning Kasvutasku;
Krüptointressikonto. Ettevõtte BlockFi, Inc. või ettevõtte Payward, Inc. hallatav koondrahakott, kuhu Change on klientide nimel kandnud krüptovara, eesmärgiga teenida ning jagada preemiat ehk intressi;
Haldur – Isik, kes hoiab ja vastutab Kasutaja rahakotti üle kantud krüptovara ja/või tokenite (sealhulgas Change'i tokenite) turvalise hoidmise eest; nende tingimuste kirjutamise kuupäeval on Halduriks Bitgo Inc.;
Deebetkaart – Peatükis Getchange'i Kasutajakonto ja Deebetkaart kirjeldatud, Getchange'i Kasutajakontoga seotud Visa deebetkaart;
Tasud ja Limiidid – Täieliku loetelu Teenuste tasudest ja limiitidest leiate peatükis „Tasud ja limiidid“;
Usaldusraha – Vääring, mille valitsus on seaduslikuks maksevahendiks kuulutanud ja mida reguleerib keskne finantsasutus, st euro;
Getchange'i Kasutajakonto – Peatükis „Getchange'i kasutajakonto ja deebetkaart“ kirjeldatud e-raha konto;
Kasvutasku – Krüptovarateenus, mille raames antakse kasutajale preemiat Change'ilt toetatud krüptovarade ostmise ja nende Krüptointressikontol hoiustamise eest, nagu on kirjeldatud peatükis „Kasvutasku ja Stakkimine“;
Kiirsissemakse – Teenus, mis võimaldab Kasutajal lisada vahendeid koheselt oma Kasutajakontole Euroopa Majanduspiirkonna riikides väljastatud (kuni kolmelt erinevalt) krediit- või deebetkaardilt, nagu on kirjeldatud peatükis„Tasud ja limiidid“;
Investeerimiskuld ehk PAXG – Paxos Trust Company, LLC (edaspidi: Paxos) loodud krüptovara, mis on tagatud investeerimiskullaga väärismetallitoodete seaduse § 2 lg 9 järgi; täpsemalt, iga PAXG-tokeni tagatiseks on üks troiunts (t oz) 400-untsisest London Good Delivery kullakangist;
Määratud Hinnaga Korraldus – Teenus, mille puhul Kasutaja annab korralduse teha tehing tulevikus, kui toetatud krüptovara hind on tõusnud kõrgemale Kasutaja määratud Viitekursist;
Turuhinnaga korraldus – Teenus, mille puhul kasutaja annab korralduse teha tehing koheselt;
Pool – Kasutaja või Change eraldi;
Viitekurss – Toetatud krüptovara ühe ühiku hind usaldusrahas või mõnes teises toetatud krüptovaras, mis põhineb usaldatud kolmandast isikust virtuaalvääringu teenusepakkuja madalaimal krüptovara ostu eest küsitaval või kõrgeimal krüptovara müügi eest pakutaval hinnal;
Teenused – Teenused, mida pakuvad Kasutajale Change, UAB “Finansinės paslaugos „Contis“ ja/või Change Securities B.V., sealhulgas Rahakoti- ja Vahetusteenus;
Stakkimine – Krüptovarateenus, mille raames antakse kasutajale preemiat Change'ilt toetatud krüptovarade ostmise eest, lubades need kanda nn Krakeni kontole, nagu on kirjeldatud peatükis „Kasvutasku ja Stakkimine“;
Stoppkorraldus – Teenus, mille puhul Kasutaja esitab korralduse tehingu tegemiseks tulevikus, kui toetatud krüptovara hind on langenud madalamale Kasutaja määratud Viitekursist;
Maksud – Mis tahes liiki maksud, lõivud, tollimaksud või muud sarnased riiklikud maksud, sealhulgas näiteks käibemaks, müügi-, kasutus- või kinnipeetavad maksud, mida võib kehtestada mis tahes jurisdiktsioon;
Tingimused – Need tingimused, sealhulgas kõik peatükid, mida aeg-ajalt muudetakse;
Tokenite vahetus – Peatükis „Tokenite vahetus“ kirjeldatud viisil CAG-tokenite vahetamine CNG-tokenite vastu;
Kasutaja – Igaüks, kes kasutab Change'i veebisaiti, Rakendusi ja/või Teenuseid. Sõnad „sina“, „sa“, „teie“ ja „te“ viitavad Kasutajale;
Rahakott – Kasutaja krüptovara rahakott, millele pääseb juurde veebisaidi või rakenduste kaudu ja mis on reguleeritud teenus, mille osutamiseks on Change'ile väljastatud Rahapesu Andmebüroo tegevusluba nr FVT000072), nagu on kirjeldatud allpool 6. punktis, sh krüptovara ülekandmise ja krüptovara sissemakse Teenused;
Veebisait – Veebisait, mis asub aadressil ning kõik selle alamdomeenid;
2.1. Teenuste kasutamiseks, millest mõni võib olla tasu eest nagu on kirjeldatud peatükis„Tasud ja Limiidid“, peate avama Kasutajakonto ning kasutama eenuseid Kasutajakonto kaudu. Üks digitaalne identiteet on seostatud ühe Kasutajakontoga, millega Teenuseid kasutatakse.
2.2. Kasutajakonto registreerimiseks ja Teenuste kasutamiseks peab Kasutaja olema vähemalt 18-aastane.
2.3. Ärikonto registreerimiseks peab juriidiline isik olema asutatud Eestis ja tema tegevuskoht peab olema Eestis, sealhulgas peavad kõik juhatuse liikmed, aktsionärid ja tegelikud kasusaajad olema Eesti residendid ja/või kodanikud. Ärikonto avamiseks peavad kõik juriidilise isiku juhatuse liikmed ja tegelikud kasusaajad olema igal ajal meie Kasutajad füüsiliste isikutena, kes on oma Kasutajakontole edukalt usaldusraha kandnud vastavalt peatüki Usaldusrahakonto ja Konverteerimisteenusd punkti 2.1 järginingkelle Kasutajakonto(d) pole suletud.
2.4. Meil on õigus ühepoolselt otsustada, kas ja kellele avada Kasutajakonto ja/või Teenuseid osutada ning meil pole kohustust avaldada või põhjendada võimalikke keeldumise põhjuseid.
2.5. Kogu teave, mille meile mis tahes hetkel esitate (sealhulgas Kasutajakonto avamisel antud teave), peab olema täpne, ajakohane ja täielik ega tohi olla mitte mingil viisil eksitav. Võime aeg-ajalt nõuda sellise teabe esitamist ja/või ajakohastamist, millisel juhul peate sellise teabe viivitamatu esitama. Kui te ei ole võimeline, ei soovi sellist teavet esitada või värskendada või esitate valesid andmeid, on meil õigus Kasutajakonto avamisest keelduda, teie Kasutajakonto sulgeda ja/või Teenuste kasutamist piirata.
2.6. Mõistate, et Teenuste kasutamine on piiratud peatükis „Tasud ja limiidid“ sätestatud kriteeriumitega.
2.7. Kasutajakontot avades ja Teenuseid kasutades teadvustab iga Kasutaja täielikult seda, et Change ei paku kasutajale investeerimisteenust ega -nõustamist. Iga Kasutaja teadvustab täielikult, et meie Veebisaidil või Rakendustes pakutavat teavet, toodet või teenust ei peeta investeerimisnõustamiseks ega -soovituseks ning vajaduse korral tuleks küsida nõu sõltumatult finantsnõustajalt.
3.1. Teenuseid kasutades teadvustate, et sellega kaasnevad mitmesugused riskid, sealhulgas riskid, mis on seotud Teenustega seotud varade (sealhulgas Change'i tokenite) väärtuse kõikumisega, Change'i tokenite, muude krüptovarade, Veebisaidi ja Rakenduste tehniliste puudustega, regulatiivse ebakindluse ning meie tegevuse ja finantsilise jätkusuutlikkusega. Kuna meie Teenuste kasutamisel võtavad Kasutajad riske ning on nendele avatud, soovitame teil tungivalt enne meie Teenuste kasutamist tutvuda teenute kasutamisega seotud riskidega.
3.2. Enne Teenuse kasutamist soovitame teil konsulteerida finantsnõustaja või muu asjakohase spetsialistiga.
4.1. Change haldab ja opereerib Veebisaiti ja Rakendusi oma tegevuskohas Eestis. Kuigi Veebisait ja Rakendused on kättesaadavad kogu maailmas, pole kõik meie Veebisaidil ega Rakendustes kirjeldatud, viidatud või pakutavad funktsioonid, tooted või teenused kättesaadavad kõigile inimestele ega kõigis geograafilistes asukohtades, samuti ei ole need sobivad ega kasutamiseks saadaval väljaspool Eestit.
4.2. Meil on õigus piirata oma enda äranägemise järgi, mis tahes funktsiooni, toote või teenuse pakkumist või pakutavat kogust mis tahes isikule või geograafilisele piirkonnale, avaldamata ühtegi põhjendust.
4.3. Mis tahes pakkumine mis tahes funktsiooni, toote või Teenuse kohta, mis on tehtud meie Veebisaidi või Rakenduste kaudu, on keelatud asukohtades tühine.
4.4. Kui avate Veebisaidi väljaspool Eestit või laadite alla või kasutate mis tahes Rakendusi väljaspool Eestit, vastutate ainuisikuliselt kõigi kohalduvate kohalike seaduste järgimise eest.
5.1. Te vastutate kõigi kasutajatunnuste, paroolide, privaatvõtmete, isiklike identifitseerimisnumbrite (PIN-koodide) ja muude koodide või seadmete piisava turvalisuse ja kontrolli eest, mis on mõeldud või mida saab muul viisil kasutada Kasutajakontole juurdepääsuks ja/või Teenuste kasutamiseks.
5.2. Teil on kohustus takistada volitamata juurdepääsu Kasutajakontole ja Teenustele ning oma Kasutajakonto andmetele ja privaatvõtmetele ning meile koheselt teavitama igasugusestst niisugusest volitamata juurdepääsust või kasutamisest.
5.3. Olukorras, kus viiakse läbi uurimist, mis puudutab võimalikku volitamata ligipääsu Kasutajakontole või Teenuste kasutamisele,peate tegema meiega koostööd mõistliku aja jooksul, selleks, et tagada menetluse edukas lahendamine.
5.4. Te olete ainuisikuliselt ja vastavalt kohaldatavale õigusele suurimas ulatuses vastutav ning meie vastutus on välistatud igasuguse tegevuse eest, mis leiab aset teie Kasutajakontol, kui Kasutajakontole on sisenetud teie kontoandmetega, olenemata sellest, kas te olete selliseks ligipääsuks andnud volituse või mitte.
6.1. Pakume teie Rahakotiga seotud krüptovararahakoti teenust. Rahakotiteenus võimaldab teil liituda teatavate krüptovaravõrkudega, nagu on kirjeldatud Rakendustes ja meie Veebisaidil, ning, kui see on asjakohane, vaadata ja edastada teavet avalike krüptovõtmete kohta. Meil on õigus ühepoolselt otsustada ja muuta nende krüptovarade loetelu, mida Rahakotis Rahakotiteenust kasutades saab hoiustada või Vahetusteenuse abil vahetada.
6.2. Rahakotiteenust kasutades nõustute lisaks neile Tingimustele järgima ka kõiki halduri seatud tingimusi.
6.3. Me pole Rahakotti üle kantud ega Rahakotis hoitavate krüptovarade ega tokenite (sh Change'i tokenite) haldur. Kõiki krüptovarasid ja tokeneid (sh Change'i tokeneid) haldab Haldur. Meil on õigus vahetada Haldurit igal ajal, esitamata selleks eelneva teavituse või põhjenduse.
6.4. Kasutajakonto, välja arvatud Ärikonto, loomisel luuakse teile automaatselt Rahakoti aadressina toimiva avaliku võtmega Rahakott. Meil on ainuõigus oma äranägemise järgi otsustada, kas avaldada teile see avalik võti või mitte, ning võime igal ajal ja eelnevalt etteteatamata avalikku võtit teile mitte avaldada.
6.5. Kasutajakonto kohta käiva teabe asjakohasele krüptovaravõrgule edastamiseks (st tehingu tegemiseks krüptovaraga) on vaja kaht privaatvõtit (kokku kolmest privaatvõtmest). Ühte neist privaatvõtmetest hoiame meie, teist Haldur ning kolmandat kolmandast isikust varundusteenuse pakkuja.
6.6. Me ei oma ega halda Rahakotis hoitavate krüptovarade toimimise aluseks olevaid tarkvaraprotokolle. Sellised protokollid on allutatud meie kontrolli alt väljas olevate protokollireeglite muutustele, mis võivad oluliselt mõjutada vastava krüptovara väärtust, funktsiooni või nime. Te teadvustate ja nõustute, et:
6.6.1. me ei vastuta krüptovaraga seotud krüptovaraprotokollide toimimise eest ja me ei garanteeri nende funktsionaalsust, turvalisust ega kättesaadavust;
6.6.2. kui krüptovaraga seotud tarkvaraprotokoll muutub, võime Rahakotiteenuse peatada ja otsustada mitte pakkuda mõjutatud krüptovara jaoks Rahakotiteenust või konfigureerida Rahakotiteenust viisil, mis võimaldaks teil mõjutatud krüptovara üle kanda.
6.7. Krüptovara ülekande- ja sissemakseteenuste abil saate tehinguid teha vaid Rakendustes ja Veebisaidil sätestatud toetatud krüptovaradega, nt BTC-ga ja ETH-ga, kuid mitte PAXG-ga. Me ei vastuta ega hüvita teile kahju ega kahjumit, mis tulenevad sellest, et teete krüptovara väljakande või sissemakse mittetoetatud krüptovaradega.
6.8. Hajusraamatu tehnoloogia ja plokiahelate olemuse tõttu teadvustate, et krüptovara ülekande- ja sissemakseteenuseid kasutades ei saa ühtegi kinnitatud ja vastavasse hajusraamatusse lisatud tehingut tagasi pöörata, ning te olete täielikult vastututav nende tehingute eest, mille olete kinnitanud ja mille teostamiseks olete meile korralduse andnud.
6.9. Plokiahelaprotokollide olemuse ja võrgu-, gaasi- või muude sarnaste tasude suuruse mitteetteaimatavuse tõttu ei suuda Change määrata krüptovara ülekandmise tasu täpset suurust enne, kui kaevurid on konkreetse tehingu kinnitanud. Rakendustes teile näidatud krüptovara ülekandmise tasu arvutab Change iga 5 minuti järel automaatselt, võttes arvesse konkreetse võrgu, gaasi- või muid sarnaseid tasusid või muid asjakohaseid hinnaprognoose, olenemata prioriteedist mälus, tehingus või muus sarnases kogumis. Krüptovara ülekandmise teenust kasutades nõustute tasuma Rakendustes teile näidatud konkreetset krüptovara väljamaksetasu, kinnitades krüptovara väljamakse oma oma e-mailil või Rakendust.
7.1. Rahapesu ja terrorismi rahastamise riski maandamiseks ning meie Teenuste kasutamisega seotud õigusaktidest tulenevatest kohustustest kinnipidamiseks oleme nii meie kui ka teie kohustatud järgima teatud kliendi hoolsusmeetmete põhimõtteid, mida on täpsemalt kirjeldatud käesolevas sättes.
7.2. Te ei tohi kasutada Teenuseid ega Rahakotti tegevusteks, mis on seotud rahapesu, terrorismi rahastamise või mis tahes ebaseadusliku tegevusega või neid soodustavate tegevustega.
7.3. Meil on igal ajahetkel õigus:
7.3.1. Tuvastada teie isikusamasus;
7.3.2. nõuda teilt mis tahes dokumente, kas nende originaale või koopiaid, või teavet (sh isikuandmeid), mida peame vajalikuks ja/või asjakohaseks rahapesu ja terrorismi rahastamise riskide tuvastamiseks või maandamiseks;
7.3.3. regulaarselt kontrollida teie andmeid ja dokumente, mida kasutatakse rahapesu ja terrorismi rahastamise riskide tuvastamiseks ja/või maandamiseks;
7.3.4. edastada ja avaldada selle sätte kohaselt saadud teavet ja dokumente mis tahes riigiasutustele ja teistele isikutele, kellele oleme kehtivate õigusaktide kohaselt kohustatud asjakohast teavet ja dokumente edastama ja avaldama;
7.3.5. edastada ja avaldada selle sätte kohaselt saadud teavet ja dokumente mistahes kolmandatest isikutestteenuseosutajatele, kelle teenuseid kasutame selleks, et täita meile seatud kohustusi, mis puudutavad kliendi isikusamasuse tuvastamist ning rahapesu ja terrorismi rahastamise tõkestamist;
7.3.6. vajaduse korral edastada ja avaldada selle sätte kohaselt saadud teavet ja dokumente Haldurile.
7.4. Teadvustate, et võime kliendi isikusamasuse tuvastamise ning rahapesu ja terrorismi rahastamise tõkestamisega seotud kohustuste täitmisel kasutada kolmandatest isikutest teenusepakkujate teenuseid ning annate käesolevaga tagasivõtmatu ja tingimusteta nõusoleku kolmandatest isikutest teenusepakkujate selliseks kasutamiseks ning teabe edastamiseks ja avalikustamiseks sellistele kolmandatest isikutest teenusepakkujatele.
7.5. Teadvustate, et võime käesolevas sättes nimetatud teavet ja dokumente edastada ja avaldada Haldurile, et võimaldada Halduril täita oma kohustusi, mis on seotud kliendi isikusamasuse tuvastamise ning rahapesu ja terrorismi rahastamise tõkestamisega, ning käesolevaga annate selliseks teabe edastamiseks ja avalikustamiseks tagasivõtmatu ja tingimusteta nõusoleku.
7.6. Olete kohustatud meid koheselt kirjalikult teavitama teabest, mis võib olla oluline selle sätte kontekstis, või muudatustest teie varem esitatud teabes ja dokumentides, sealhulgas:
7.6.1. teie nime, aadressi või muude kontaktandmete muutumisest;
7.6.2. isikut tõendava dokumendiga seotud andmete muutumisest;
7.6.3. juhatuse koosseisu, tegelike kasusaajate või omandistruktuuri muutustest;
7.6.4. asjaolust, et teist, mõnest juhatuse liikmest või tegelikust kasusaajast ja/või tema sugulasest või lähikondlasest on saanud riikliku taustaga isik või mõnel nimetatud isikul on selline staatus lõppenud;
7.6.5. teie isikut tõendava dokumendi või Kasutajakonto või Teenuste sisselogimisandmete kaotusest või vargusest.
7.7. Olete kohustatud meid kirjalikult teavitama teabest, mis võib olla oluline kliendi isikusamasuse tuvastamiseks või rahapesu või terrorismi rahastamise tõkestamiseks, koheselt kui olete saanud teadlikuks niisugusest teabest.
7.8. Olete viivitamata kohustatud tegema meiega täielikku koostööd ulatuses, mis puudutab käesolevas sättes nimetatud teabe ja dokumentide kogumist kliendi isikusamasuse tuvastamise, rahapesu ja terrorismi tõkestamise ning muudes õigusaktides sätestatud kohustustuste täitmise eesmärgil. Kui te meiega selle sätte kohaselt koostööd ei tee, on meil õigus või seadusest tulenev kohustus:
7.8.1. peatada mis tahes Teenuste osutamine;
7.8.2. blokeerida Kasutajakonto ja piirata teie juurdepääs Veebisaidile ja Rakendustele;
7.8.3. pidada kinni kõik teie tehtud või teile tehtud Teenustega seotud maksed; ja/või
7.8.4. sulgeda Kasutajakonto.
7.9. Lisaks punktile 7.8 on meil õigus blokeerida teie Kasutajakonto kasutamine ja piirata teie juurdepääsu Veebisaidile ja Rakendustele, kui kahtlustame, et:
7.9.1. Kasutajakontot kasutab mõni teine isik peale teie;
7.9.2. Kasutajakonto abil pannakse toime rikkumine; ja/või
7.9.3. kui meil on kahtlus, et mis tahes teave või dokumendid, mida meile või meie kolmandatest isikutest teenusepakkujatele esitate, võivad olla valed ja te ei esita piisavaid ja/või rahuldavaid tõendeid, mis tõendaksid esitatud teabe ja dokumentide õigsust.
7.10. Me ei vastuta õigusaktidega lubatud suurimas ulatuses kahju või kahjumi eest, mis põhjustatakse teile või teistele isikutele selles sättes kirjeldatud toimingutega.
8.1. Teil on õigus oma Kasutajakonto igal ajal sulgeda, tingimusel, et teil pole kohustusi meie ega Halduri ees. Alates Kasutajakonto sulgemise hetkest pole teil enam õigust kasutada ühtegi Teenust.
8.2. Lisaks nendes Tingimustes mujal kirjeldatud konkreetsetele asjaoludele on meil õigus sulgeda teie Kasutajakonto:
8.2.1. ilma põhjenduseta, teavitades teid sellest vähemalt 14 päeva ette ja tagastades teie Rahakotis olevate varade turuväärtuse, mille arvelt pole veel teenuseid osutatud ja mille arvelt ei saa pärast Kasutajakonto sulgemist teenuseid osutada;
8.2.2. sellest eelnevalt teatamata, kui rikute: (i) käesolevaid Tingimusi; (ii) Rahakoti Halduri tingimusi; või (iii) mis tahes muude Teenuste tingimusi või muid tingimusi, mis on teile siduvad;
8.2.3. sellest eelnevalt teavitamata, kui käitute mõne meie töötaja või esindaja suhtes ähvardaval, solvaval või rassiliselt diskrimineerival viisil;
8.2.4. sellest eelnevalt teavitamata, kui meil on rahapesu, terrorismi rahastamise, pettuse või muu kriminaalse tegevuse kahtlus; ja/või
8.2.5. sellest eelnevalt teavitamata, kui mõni pädev asutus nõuab Kasutajakonto sulgemist.
8.3. Kui oleme sulgenud teie Kasutajakonto sellest ette teatamata, konverteerime teie Kasutajakontol olevad krüptovarad automaatselt kindlaksmääratud usaldusrahasse ja vastavalt seadusele kanname need teie makse- või arvelduskontole, millelt olete eelnevalt sissemakse teinud.
8.4. Suletud Kasutajakontot tulevikus ei taasavata.
9.1. Te vastutate kogu teie tegevusest tuleneva kahju eest (sealhulgas saamata jäänud tulu) ja olete kohustutatud niisugused kahju Change'ile hüvitama.
9.2. Vastutame ja hüvitame teile ainult otsese varalise kahju (selguse huvides me ei vastuta ega hüvita kaudseid kahjusid ega saamata jäänud tulu) ja ainult tingimusel, et oleme niisuguse kahju teile tekitanud kas tahtlikult või raske hooletuse tõttu.
9.3. Meie vastutus on piiratud selle summa ulatuses, mida oleksite võinud vältida, rakendades mõistlikke jõupingutusi.
9.4. Lisaks nende Tingimuste teistes osades kirjeldatud vastutuse välistustele ja piirangutele, ei vastuta me kahju eest õigusaktides lubatud suurimas ulatuses, mille on põhjustanud kolmandad isikud (sealhulgas Haldur) või asjaolud, mida me ei saa mõjutada (sealhulgas krüptovarade volatiilsus).
10.1. Kui pole sätestatud teisiti, kuuluvad kõik materjalid, sealhulgas logod, ärinimed, kujundused, pildid, fotod, videoklipid, autoriõigused, kaubamärgi tähisega materjalid, teenusemärgid ja muud Teenustes sisalduvad või Teenustega seoses (nt Veebisaidil) kuvatavad intellektuaalomandi vormid, sõltumata sellest, kas need on kaitstud registreerimisega või mitte, meile või on litsentsitud meile. Eeltoodu kehtib ka kõigi Teenuse osaks olevate tarkvaralahenduste või nende osade, programmide ja koodi kohta.
10.2. Anname teile piiratud, mitteeksklusiivse, mitte all-litsentsitava lihtlitsentsi materjalidele juurdepääsuks ja nende kasutamiseks, nende Tingimuste käesolevas sättes kirjeldatud viisil, teie isiklikuks tarbeks ulatuses, mis on vajalik Teenuste kasutamiseks.
10.3. Teil pole õigust selles sättes määratletud materjale ega nende osi müüa, levitada, avalikult näidata, reprodutseerida, muul viisil muuta ega kasutada, kui me pole andnud teile selleks eelnevalt selgesõnalist ja kirjalikku luba.
10.4. Selle jaotise alusel antud lihtlitsents öeldakse üles koheselt peale Kasutajakonto sulgemist. Pärast seda ei ole teil enam õigus pääseda ligi või kasutada ühtegi meile kuuluvat materjali või selle osi.
10.5. Juhul, kui teie tegevus või tegevusetus, mis on seotud Teenustega või on toimunud Teenuste kasutamise ajal (sealhulgas tagasiside andmine või meile suunatud kommentaaride jätmine), kujutab endast kohaldatavate õigusaktide kohaselt autoriõigusega kaitstud teost, annate meile automaatselt sellise teose loomise hetkest alates mitteeksklusiivse, ülemaailmse, all-litsentsitava ja tasuta litsentsi, mis kehtib kuni vastava teose autoriõigus on kohaldatavate õigusaktide kohaselt kaitstud.
10.6. Selles sättes sätestatu kohaselt kuulub meile mis tahes tarkvara, programmi, koodi või selle osade täielik omandiõigus ja/või ainulitsents. Nimetatud litsents võib olla kaitstud turvameetmetega, mida te ei tohi mingil viisil muuta, levitada, häkkida ega reprodutseerida.
11.1. Teie ainuvastutus on kindlaks teha, kas ja millises ulatuses mis tahes Maksud mis tahes tehingutele, mida Rakenduste ja Veebisaidi kaudu teete, või tehingutele, mis on Teenustega seotud, rakenduvad, ning need Maksud kinni pidada, kokku koguda ja raporteerida ning korrektsed Maksu asjakohastele maksuhalduritele tasuda. Oma tehingute ajalugu näete Rakenduste kaudu. Meie kogutavad tasud ei sisalda Makse.
11.2. Võime neid tingimusi ette teatamata ja põhjendamata ühepoolselt muuta. Kõik tingimuste muudatused jõustuvad pärast nende veebisaidil avaldamist ja Rakendustes kättesaadavaks tegemist.
11.3. Meie suutmatus nende Tingimuste mis tahes sätet või tingimustes antud õigusi kasutada või rakendada ei tähenda vastavast õigusest või sättest loobumist.
11.4. Kui mõni nende Tingimuste osa loetakse tühiseks või kehtetuks, ei muuda selline otsus kehtetuks ühtegi teist nende tingimuste sätet.
11.5. Te nõustute, et võime neid Tingimusi (kas kogumina või mis tahes õiguse ja/või kohustuse eraldi, vastavalt meie otsusele) teie nõusolekuta loovutada oma emaettevõttele, sidusettevõttele või tütarettevõttele. Teie ei tohi käesolevate tingimuste kohaseid õigusi ega kohustusi kellelegi loovutada ilma meie eelneva kirjaliku nõusolekuta.
11.6. Käesolevatele Tingimustele kohaldatakse Eesti õigust. Kõik nende Tingimustega või tingimuste rikkumise, tühistamise või kehtetusega seotud vaidlused, vastuolud või nõuded, milles pooled läbirääkimiste teel kokkuleppele ei jõua, lahendatakse Harju Maakohtus.
11.7. Need Tingimused ning kogu kommunikatsioon on avaldatud ning viiakse läbi inglise keeles. Me võime avaldada tõlgitud versioone nendest Tingimustest mõned muus keeles kui inglise keeles, kuid sellised versioonid on üksnes informatiivse iseloomusega. Juhul, kui esineb erisusi või vastuolusid keelte vahel, on ingliskeelne versioon ülimuslik.
In force from 2021-06-01
As used in these Terms, including the preamble hereof, unless expressly otherwise stated or evident in the context, capitalized terms and expressions shall have the meanings as stipulated under “General and wallet” chapter.
2.1. In order to add Fiat funds to your Account you must transfer at least 10 euros to the account provided by us, which will be added to your Account, from an account opened under your name in a credit or financial institution, registered or having its place of business in a contracting state of the European Economic Area. Any following transaction may be made from a different account, provided it is opened in your name, or by using the Service of Instant Deposit.
2.2. You acknowledge that all of the Fiat funds described in these Terms must belong to you and all the accounts described in these Terms must be opened under your name.
2.3. We reserve the right to decline accepting Fiat transfers to our account from any account due to any reason or decline transferring funds to an account that was not used to make a transfer in accordance with clause 2.1 by notifying you thereof. We have also reserved the right to decline accepting any payments while using the Service of Instant Deposit, e.g. to prevent fraud or in case more than 3 different cards have been used.
2.4. In case we decline accepting Fiat transfers, the funds will be immediately returned to your account opened in a credit institution in accordance with the law.
3.1. You are entitled at all times to instruct us to withdraw any Fiat funds from your Account by instructing us to transfer them to an account you previously transferred funds from as described in clause 2.1.
3.2. We reserve the right to decline to perform a withdrawal, if the withdrawal amount is lower than 10 euros.
3.3. In the case of Account closing you must instruct us to transfer all of the fiat funds to an account you previously transferred funds from as described in clause 2.1 and we will transfer it to your account in accordance with the law.
4.1. In order to buy a supported cryptocurrency with the Conversion Rate in exchange for a specified Fiat currency in accordance with these Terms, you must have had transferred the Fiat funds required for the transaction, as shown to you in the Apps or Website, to our account in accordance with clause 2.1.
4.2. In order to buy a supported cryptocurrency in exchange for another supported cryptocurrency in accordance with these Terms you must have had transferred to us the equivalent amount of supported cryptocurrency, which is to be used in exchange for the requested supported cryptocurrency and will be automatically debited from your Wallet.
4.3. In order to buy a supported cryptocurrency with the Conversion Rate in exchange for a specified Fiat currency or supported cryptocurrency, but not having transferred the required amount of the specified Fiat currency or supported cryptocurrency to us, the required specified Fiat currency or supported cryptocurrency must be held at your account or Wallet during the time of buying the supported cryptocurrency as a result of using the Conversion Service.
4.4. In case you have requested to buy a supported cryptocurrency, the amount of supported cryptocurrency bought by you will be transferred to your Wallet after the completion of the relevant transaction.
5.1. In order to sell a supported cryptocurrency with the Conversion Rate in exchange for a specified Fiat currency in accordance with these Terms, you must have had transferred to us the equivalent amount of supported cryptocurrency, which is to be used in exchange for the requested Fiat currency and will be automatically debited from your Wallet.
5.2. In case you have requested to sell a supported cryptocurrency in exchange for a specified Fiat currency, the amount of specified Fiat currency will be transferred to your Account after the completion of the relevant transaction specified in your instruction.
6.1. When buying or selling Investment Gold you have acknowledged and agreed with the third-party and cryptocurrency-related risks, and agreed with the relevant PAX Gold Terms and Conditions and any other relevant terms and conditions of Paxos. We shall not assume any liability for any unavailability of redeeming Investment Gold or the existence or termination of PAXG due to reasons not dependent on us, e.g. dependent on the specifics of the Ethereum blockchain or the issuer of PAXG, including but not limited to the sustainability, insolvency, liquidation or bankruptcy of Paxos or any of the service providers or persons connected to the Investment Gold in general.
6.2. After every resettlement cycle we ensure that the total amount of Investment Gold we hold on behalf of you with our partners, e.g. Payward Inc., matches with the total amount of Investment Gold held on your Account.
6.3. In order to redeem your Investment Gold into a specific gold bar, held in an London Bullion Market Association-approved security carrier vault, you must pay us exactly 430 PAXG tokens, as well as the Creation & Destruction Fee, and submit a redemption order through the Apps or via email. Please be advised that you are not able to redeem your Investment Gold into Unallocated Gold. If successful, you will receive a confirmation letter through the Apps or via email, confirming the date and time as of which you must collect and accept the delivery of your gold bar in person from our registered address within 2 weeks. For the delivery of the gold bar you are required to verify your identity by providing your valid passport.
6.4. You may demand for delivery of a substitute thing from us within 2 years as of the date of the delivery, if the gold bar delivered to you does not conform to the contract, e.g. the gold bar does not have the agreed characteristics, does not possess the quality usual for investment gold or is anyway damaged, provided the gold bar has not been removed from its original package and the damage did not occur after the delivery.
7.1. We carry out the transactions described in these Terms on the basis of irrevocable instructions from you, which can be submitted through the Apps or Website.
7.2. You are not allowed to cancel, reverse, or change any transaction marked as complete after the submission of an instruction in accordance with these Terms. We may unilaterally decline to carry out the transaction by notifying you thereof on the Website and/or in the Apps, and return you the relevant instruments, and shall assume no liability for any damages which arise to you as a result thereof. You may only cancel a pending instruction, if you have submitted it by using the services of Limit Order or Stop Order, provided the Rate Reference you set has not been reached and the transaction has not yet marked as complete.
7.3. You are displayed all supported cryptocurrencies with the estimated Conversion Rate prior to submitting the instructions in accordance with these Terms and/or exact Conversion Rate for transaction(s) marked as complete. By submitting the instructions in accordance with these Terms you irrevocably confirm to carry out the transaction without certainty of the Conversion Rate.
7.4. After receiving the instructions in accordance with these Terms, we will complete the requested transaction within 5 business days after receiving the payment (whereas a business day is considered to be a day when banks are open for business in Estonia), unless we decline to carry out the transaction in accordance with clause 6.2. We reserve the right to delay any transaction without notifying you thereof, should we perceive a risk of fraud or illegal activity.
7.5. Considering that the prices of cryptocurrencies and Investment Gold are dependent on fluctuations in the financial market, which we have no control over and which may occur within the withdrawal period, in accordance with Law of Obligations Act § 53(4)(1’) you are not entitled to use the right of withdrawal, including in the case of a distance contract.
8.1. Should you breach any obligations described in these Terms, we have the right to refuse to carry out the requested transactions by notifying you thereof on the Website and/or in the Apps, and we shall assume no liability for any damages which arise to you as a result thereof.
8.2. We cannot guarantee and are not liable for the availability of the Conversion Service or the buying or selling Investment Gold, and the act of buying supported cryptocurrency is not and may not be considered a guarantee from us that you could sell the cryptocurrencies or Fiat currencies obtained using the Conversion Service back to us nor with the set Reference Rate, while using the services of Limit Order or Stop Order.
In force from 2022-06-30
These Terms & Conditions apply to your Getchange account and Visa debit card. Please read them carefully. You can download a copy of these Terms & Conditions at any time from within your online account portal. Log in via our website
The Getchange account and Visa debit card are e-money services provided by UAB Finansinės paslaugos “Contis“. Your distributor may transfer funds from a wallet you hold directly with them to cover the value of transactions you make using your Visa card.
In these Terms & Conditions:
If you have any questions you can contact us by:
Your Getchange account and Visa debit card is issued by UAB Finansinės paslaugos “Contis“, company code 304406236, registered in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania, having a head office at Mėnulio g. 11-101, Vilnius, Lithuania.
We hold the electronic money institution license no 53, dated 2019-07-23, issued by the Bank of Lithuania, who is our supervisory authority located at Gedimino pr. 6, LT-01103, Vilnius, Lithuania, telephone no. +370 800 50 500. You may find more information about the Bank of Lithuania at
Please note that Getchange account and Visa debit card is an electronic money product and although we are supervised by the Bank of Lithuania, it is not covered by the Deposit Insurance System of the Republic of Lithuania. We ensure that any funds received from you are held in a segregated account so that in the unlikely event that UAB Finansinės paslaugos “Contis“ becomes insolvent your funds will be protected against claims made by creditors.
Your Getchange account and Visa debit card is distributed by xChange AS, a public limited company incorporated in Estonia with registry code 14428150 and whose registered office is Rävala pst 4, 10143 Tallinn, on behalf of UAB Finansinės paslaugos “Contis“.
1.1. A Getchange account is an electronic money account from which you facilitate your Getchange card.
1.2. A Getchange card is a Visa debit card that can be used worldwide wherever Visa is accepted. It can be used online, in shops, over the phone or to withdraw cash from an ATM.
1.3. You can only spend funds, including cryptocurrencies, that you hold on your Account. Thus, before using your card you need to make sure there are enough funds on your Account.
2.1. You must be at least 18 years old and a UK or EEA resident to be issued with a Getchange account and card. You must provide an email address and mobile phone number to open an account so that we can communicate with you.
3.1. You can apply on our website or you can apply through the Apps.
3.2. Before we can open an account for you and issue you with a card, we will require evidence of your identity and we may require evidence of your residential address. You may need to provide us with documents such as passport, driving licence, national identity documents, utility bills, bank statements or other documents to confirm your identity. We will also need to carry out checks on you electronically.
4.1. As soon as you receive your card you must sign the signature strip on the back.
4.2. You will then need to activate your card. You can do this by logging into your Getchange account.
4.3. You also need to obtain your PIN to authorise chip-and-pin transactions and ATM withdrawals. You can get your PIN through your online account or the Apps.
4.4. By activating your card you are agreeing to these Terms & Conditions. Your card must be activated within 3 months of it being issued or it may be automatically cancelled and your account may be closed.
5.1. If you want to change your PIN, you can do so at any ATM with PIN management functionality, locate ATMs with the “PIN change” attribute at
5.2. You can get a reminder of your PIN through the Apps
6.1. Any funds on your Account can be used with the Getchange card. Please see the terms and conditions of the Distributor, specifically chapters General and Wallet and Fiat Account and Conversion to understand how to add funds to your Account. You may pay into your account via Change, and any other method notified by us. The time taken to credit funds to your account will depend on the method of deposit used. You cannot pay into your account by a balance transfer from a credit card. You may only pay in funds up to your maximum account balance.
6.2. Certain minimum and maximum limits and usage requirements apply to your account and card; such limits and requirements are detailed in the chapter 32 Fees and Limits. We reserve the right to refuse to accept any particular payment if we suspect any fraudulent activity or in the event of other exceptional circumstances, e.g. the payment does not originate from an account opened in your name.
6.3. As soon as we receive the funds that you have added, they will be on your Account and ready to use. There may be occasions when we delay the funds reaching your Account for up to three working days, this may happen when we need to confirm the transaction with the sending bank.
6.4. Where an overpayment has been made to your Account in error, we reserve the right to debit the Account with the excess amount to correct the payment transaction.
7.1. You can use your Getchange card to authorise the following transactions to merchants that accept Visa Debit card payments:
7.1.1. Chip and PIN card payments by inserting your Getchange card in the terminal and inputting your PIN;
7.1.2. Magnetic Stripe card payments to any merchant that cannot accept Chip and PIN cards by signing the sales voucher;
7.1.3. contactless card payments by waving the Getchange card over the contactless card reader;
7.1.4. Internet card payments to online merchants by providing the Getchange card details and any other security details such as your secure code credentials as requested by the online merchant;
7.1.5. mail order or telephone order card payments to merchants by providing the Getchange card details as requested by the merchant;
7.1.6. ATM cash withdrawals at ATMs displaying the Visa logo by inserting your Getchange card at the ATM, inputting your PIN and following the instructions at the ATM;
7.1.7. e-wallet payments by adding your card to the Samsung Pay, Google Pay or Apple Pay (when available) wallets in your mobile phone and waving your mobile phone over the contactless card reader or checking the e-wallet option online. You authorise the e-wallet transaction using your mobile phone security protocol which may include biometric information such as fingerprint or face ID on your mobile phone.
7.2. Like other payment cards, we cannot guarantee a third party or ATM will accept your card.
7.3. You may, in addition, be required to enter a one-time passcode or other security information including, if available and you opt for this type of identification, biometric information to authorise a transaction or make account amendments. One-time passcodes will be sent to the mobile phone number registered to your account.
7.4. As soon as a transaction is authorised we will deduct the value of your transaction from the available balance on your account. You have an agreement with your Distributor to transfer funds from the Account you hold directly with them to cover the value of the transaction. If the Distributor is unable to transfer the funds for the transaction to your Account we will be unable to authorise the transaction. Fees may be deducted at the time of authorisation or when the transaction has been confirmed through the Visa system. A full breakdown of each transaction, including charges, will be available to view on your online account portal. Whenever a transaction is credited via the Visa system, e.g. a refund for a transaction, you agree for the Distributor to automatically transfer those funds to the Account you directly hold with them.
7.5 Once we have received authorisation for a transaction we will transfer funds to the retailer within 3 days. A transaction will be received for card transactions at the time we receive the transaction instruction from the retailer or ATM operator.
8.1. Generally, authorisation for a transaction may not be withdrawn by you. However, you may be able to withdraw your authorisation where you have authorised a transaction which will take place on a future date. However, where a specific date is agreed, you may not revoke a payment order after the end of the business day preceding the agreed date.
8.2. To withdraw your authorisation of a Visa debit card continuous payment authority, you must notify the retailer before the close of business on the business day before the day on which the transaction was due to take place and provide us with a copy of the notice if requested.
8.3. We may charge you an Administration Fee if a transaction is revoked by you under this paragraph (see chapter 32 Fees and Limits).
9.1. Your card is denominated in euro. If you make a purchase or an ATM withdrawal in any other currency we will convert the sum into euros using the exchange rate set by Visa on the day they process the transaction, this may differ from the actual date of the transaction.
9.2. If you use your euro denominated card in a European country, which does not use euros, you may receive a notification from your provider showing the exchange rate used and the euro amount, along with % difference between the rate applied by the card scheme and the European Central Bank (ECB) rate.
9.3. A transaction fee will apply to each of these transactions (see chapter 32 Fees and Limits). Any changes to the exchange rate used to convert foreign transactions will be made immediately. You can find the exchange rate for a transaction made in a currency other than euro on a given date at:
10.1. You may not use your card for illegal purposes. It also cannot be used for a limited number of specified transactions. Please see our website for details.
11.1. You can check your account by accessing it securely through the App, your statement will show:
11.1.1 information on the payee of each transaction and a reference enabling you to identify each payment transaction;
11.1.2 the amount of the transaction shown in the currency in which the transaction was paid or debited to the account;
11.1.3 the amount of charges for the transaction;
11.1.4 the exchange rate used in the payment transaction (where applicable); and
11.1.5 the date the transaction is authorised or posted on to the account.
11.2. This information is accessible at all times via the App, is available free of charge, and can be stored and reproduced as necessary. Paper statements are available on request and are subject to a fee (see chapter 32 Fees and Limits).
11.3. You may, in addition, be required to enter a one-time passcode or other security information including, if available and you opt for this type of identification, biometric information to access your account. One time passcodes will be sent to the mobile phone number registered to your account.
12.1. Your card will be valid for 3 years. You will not be able to use your card after its expiry date. This agreement shall terminate when your card is cancelled or expires and is not replaced.
13.1. You can only spend the money that is paid into your account. Limits also apply to daily ATM withdrawals, and other limits may be applied to the amount of spend and the number of transactions you can perform. See chapter 32 Fees and Limits and the Apps for further details.
13.2. If, for any reason, the transaction is completed when there are insufficient funds in your account then you will have to reimburse the shortfall to us, unless it is due to an error by the retailer with whom you made the transaction.
13.3. We may collect this shortfall from any card you have with us or from any funds which you subsequently pay into your account. We may suspend your cards until the negative balance is restored and charge you an Administration Fee (see chapter 32 Fees and Limits) for transactions that you make using your card that results in a negative balance or increases the negative balance on your account.
14.1. If you dispute a transaction that has been processed on your card you should contact the merchant first as this may lead to the quickest resolution. If the dispute cannot be resolved with the merchant or you dispute any other account transaction you should contact us without undue delay and in any event within 13 months on becoming aware of any unauthorised or incorrectly executed payment transaction.
14.2. Where you have informed us that an executed payment was not authorised by you in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, and you have taken all reasonable steps to keep safe personalised security information, keep your card secure, not disclosed your PIN or security information to anyone else and not acted fraudulently, we will:
14.2.1. refund the amount of the unauthorised payment to you; and
14.2.2. restore the debited payment account to the state it would have been in had the unauthorised payment not taken place.
14.3. Beyond this, we will have no further liability to you. Where payee details provided by you are incorrect, we are not liable for non-execution or defective execution of the payment transaction, but we will make reasonable efforts to recover the funds involved in the payment transaction and notify you of the outcome.
14.4. You may be entitled to claim a refund in relation to transactions where:
14.4.1. the transaction was not authorised under these Terms and Conditions;
14.4.2. we are responsible for a transaction which we fail to execute or incorrectly execute. In these circumstances, we will refund to you the amount of the non-executed or defective payment transaction and restore the debited payment account to the state in which it would have been had the defective payment transaction not taken place. We will also refund to you: (a) any direct charges for which you are responsible; and (b) any interest which you must pay, as a consequence of the non-execution or defective execution of the payment transaction; or
14.4.3. a pre-authorised transaction did not specify the exact amount at the time of its authorisation and the amount charged is more than could reasonably be expected, taking into account previous spending patterns on the card and the circumstances of the transaction. We will either refund the full amount of the payment transaction; or provide justification for refusing to refund the payment transaction. Any refund or justification for refusing a refund will be provided within 10 business days of receiving a request for a refund or, where applicable, within 10 business days of receiving any further information requested. A claim for a refund in these circumstances will not be accepted if the amount of the transaction was made available to you at least 4 weeks before the transaction date or if the claim is made more than 8 weeks after being charged to your account.
15.1. You must keep your card and security credentials safe and not let anyone else know or use them. You must keep your security information secret at all times; never disclose your PIN or security information to anyone and do not store details of your PIN with your card. Security information includes your login and password details used to access your account or any other website where your card or account details are stored. We also recommend that you check the balance on your account regularly through the App.
16.1. If you lose your card or it is stolen, or you suspect that someone else has found out your PIN or security information or accessed your account without your permission, you must tell us without undue delay by calling us or logging onto your account through the App or website and notifying us. Your card will be cancelled immediately and your account may be blocked. We run a dedicated line for lost or stolen cards; the number is +44 (0) 333 202 3645 and calls are charged at the standard geographical rate. If, after reporting a lost card, you subsequently find the card you must not use it. Cut it in half through the signature box, magnetic strip and chip.
16.2. If you ask us to do so, and provided that you provide information and assistance that we request from you, we will investigate any disputed transaction or misuse of your card or account.
16.3. If the investigations show that any disputed transaction was authorised by you, or you have acted fraudulently or with gross negligence (for example by failing to keep your card, security information or PIN secure or by failing to notify us without delay on becoming aware of the loss, theft, misappropriation or unauthorised use of the card or account), then we will not refund the transaction amount and you will be fully liable for all losses incurred because of the unauthorised use of the card or account.
16.4. If the investigations show that you have not acted fraudulently or with gross negligence, your maximum loss or liability to us for any unauthorised transaction will be limited to 50 euros and we will process a refund as soon as practicable, and in any event no later than the end of the business day following the day after we receive your notification.
17.1. We may refuse to pay a transaction:
17.1.1. if we are concerned about security of your card or account or we suspect your card or account is being used in an unauthorised or fraudulent manner;
17.1.2. if sufficient funds are not paid into your account at the time of a transaction to cover the amount of the transaction and any applicable fees;
17.1.3. if there is negative balance on your account;
17.1.4. if we have reasonable grounds to believe that you are not using the card or account in accordance with these Terms & Conditions;
17.1.5. if we believe that a transaction is potentially suspicious or illegal (for example, if we believe that a transaction is being made fraudulently); or
17.1.6. because of errors, failures (whether mechanical or otherwise) or refusal to process a transaction by merchants, payment processors or payment schemes such as Visa.
17.2. If we refuse a transaction, we will tell you why immediately, if we can, unless it would be unlawful for us to do so. You may correct any information we hold and which may have caused us to refuse a transaction by contacting Customer Services.
18.1. You have a legal right to cancel your account and card up to 14 days from the date your account is opened without incurring any penalty and we will refund any card issue fees. We may charge you a Card Cancellation Fee if we have already incurred costs by ordering a card in your name. You can also cancel your card any time after the 14 day period subject to a Redemption Fee (see chapter 32 Fees and Limits) by contacting Customer Services. You should also cut your cancelled card in half through the signature box, magnetic strip and chip.
18.2. All fees and charges will be apportioned up until the time of the termination of the contract, and any fees and charges paid in advance will be reimbursed proportionally. You will not be entitled to a refund of money you have already spent on transactions authorised, or pending or any fees for use of the card or account before the card or account is cancelled or expires.
19.1. We may cancel your account and this agreement by giving you at least two months’ notice.
19.2. Reasons for cancellation may include:
19.2.1. if this agreement or your card expires; or
19.2.2. your card has not been used for 3 consecutive months.
19.3. We may also cancel your account immediately if:
19.3.1. we suspect unauthorised or fraudulent use of your card or account;
19.3.2. we have suspicions of money laundering, terrorist financing or criminal activity, or any other security concerns;
19.3.3. we need to do so to comply with the law;
19.3.4. you break an important part of these Terms & Conditions, or repeatedly break these Terms & Conditions and fail to resolve the matter in a timely manner;
19.3.5. you act in a manner that is threatening or abusive to our staff, or any of our representatives;
19.3.6. you repeatedly fail to pay fees or charges that you have incurred or fail to pay back any negative balance on your card within 3 calendar months;
19.4. We may also deny access to your card and/ or account where we consider it to be at risk of money laundering or terrorism financing, fraud or other criminal activity. Should we need to take these actions and where possible, we will give reasons for doing so except where restricted by law.
19.5. In these circumstances, you must tell us what you want us to do with any unused funds. You must do this within 3 months of the date we tell you that your account is cancelled.
20.1. You can clear the balance on your account through spending or ATM withdrawals. The fees that would apply are described in chapter 32 Fees and Limits.
20.2. Alternatively, you may request a refund of the funds on your account by contacting Customer Services and confirming that your card has been destroyed by cutting it up. We will transfer your funds back to you at no cost to you, unless:
20.2.1. you are requesting redemption before termination or expiry of this agreement;
20.2.2. you cancel this agreement before any agreed termination or expiry date; or
20.2.3. you request redemption more than one year after the date of termination or expiry of this agreement.
If one of these situations does apply then we will charge a Redemption Fee (see chapter 32 Fees and Limits).
20.3. We will not redeem the value of the funds on your account to you if your request for redemption of the funds is more than six years after the date of termination or expiry of this agreement.
20.4. All funds will be returned to a bank account of your choice in euros. We reserve the right to see proof of your ownership of the bank account before transferring funds to it. To enable us to comply with our legal obligations, we may ask you to provide us with certain information such as identification documents before we can process your refund request.
20.5. Please also refer to section 27 below for the circumstances in which we do not give you a refund.
21.1. The account and associated card are electronic money products and although we are supervised by the Bank of Lithuania, it is not covered by the Deposit Insurance System of the Republic of Lithuania. No other compensation scheme exists to cover losses claimed in connection with the account and associated card. In addition, any funds held on your Account with the Distributor are not covered by the Guarantee Fund Act. We will however ensure that any funds received by you are held in a segregated account so that should we become insolvent your funds will be protected against claims made by our creditors.
22.1. If you are unhappy in any way with your card and account or the way it is managed, you can contact Customer Services so we can investigate the circumstances for you. Any complaints you have will be dealt with quickly and fairly.
22.2. We will make every possible effort to address all points of complaint by email. We will respond within 15 business days upon receiving the complaint. If a full response cannot be provided within these timeframes, we will send a holding reply with a full response to follow within 35 business days.
22.3. If we are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction and provided you are a consumer you may apply to the consumers disputes resolutions institution – the Bank of Lithuania, ( by filing out a free-form application and sending it to the Supervision Service, Žirmūnų g. 151, LT-09128 Vilnius, email: [email protected].
23.1. You must let us know as soon as possible if you change name, address, telephone number, mobile number or e-mail address. If we contact you in relation to your account we will use the most recent contact details you have provided to us. Any e-mail or SMS text message sent to you will be treated as being received as soon as it is sent by us. We will not be liable to you if your contact details have changed and you have not told us.
24.1. We are the controller of your personal data which we will use in order to open, administer and run your account and provide payment services to you. You hereby consent to us accessing, processing, and retaining any information you provide to us, for the purposes of providing payment services to you or otherwise to fulfil this agreement. For further information about how we will process your personal data, please view our Privacy Policy at You may withdraw your consent to the processing of this data by closing your account.
24.2. In regard to your Change Account, please view the Privacy Policy of Change at
25.1. We may change these Terms & Conditions by notifying you by e-mail or other agreed means at least two months before the change is due to happen. We will assume that you agree with the change. If you do not agree with the change you must tell us before the change happens and we will cancel your account immediately. If you cancel your account in this way then we will return any balance on the account to you and you will not be charged a Redemption Fee.
25.2. An up-to-date version of these Terms & Conditions, as well as any notices of future changes will always be available via our website, You should check our website and the App regularly for such notices and changes.
26.1. From time to time, your ability to use your card or account may be interrupted, e.g. when we carry out systems maintenance. If this happens, you may be unable (a) to use your card to pay for purchases or obtain cash from ATMs and/or (b) to obtain information about the funds available in your account and/or about your recent transactions.
26.2. In addition, like other payment cards, we cannot guarantee a merchant will accept your card, or that we will necessarily authorise any particular transaction. This may be because of a systems problem, something outside our reasonable control, to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, or because we have suspended, restricted or cancelled your account or refused to replace it in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
27.1. If we incorrectly deduct funds from your account, we will refund them. If we subsequently establish that the refunded amount had in fact been correctly deducted, we may deduct it from your available balance and may charge you a fee. If you do not have sufficient available balance, you must repay us the amount immediately on demand.
27.2. If unauthorised transactions occur after you have notified us of the loss, theft, compromise or unauthorised use of your card or account, and you have not acted fraudulently or in breach of these Terms and Conditions, then we will be liable.
27.3. We will not be liable:
27.3.1. in any event that a merchant refuses to accept your card;
27.3.2. for any interruption, disruption or impairment of our service or any third party services on which we rely for the performance of our obligations hereunder;
27.3.3. for refusing to authorise a transaction;
27.3.4. for cancelling or suspending use of your card or account;
27.3.5. for any loss arising from your inability to use your card or access your account due to interruptions;
27.3.6. or any direct or indirect loss or damage you may suffer including loss of revenue, loss of reputation, goodwill, opportunity or anticipated savings as a result of your total or partial use or inability to use your card, the App, website or account or the use of your card or account by any third party (unless otherwise required by law);
27.3.7. for the quality, safety, legality or any other aspect of any goods or services purchased with your card; and
27.3.8. any abnormal and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, however so caused.
27.4. For the SMS services we offer, we are not responsible for lost, late or undelivered text messages, notifications or communications. We accept no responsibility for any technical, computer, online, telephone, cable, electronic, software, hardware, transmission, connection, internet, website or other access issue which may hinder your ability to access the SMS services.
27.5. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall operate to exclude liability for death or personal injury due to negligence or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or for any statutory liability that cannot be excluded or amended by agreement between the parties.
28.1. We may charge you for any reasonable costs that we incur in taking action to stop you using your card or account and to recover any monies owed as a result of your activities if you:
28.1.1. use your card or account fraudulently;
28.1.2. do not use your card or account in accordance with these Terms & Conditions; or
28.1.3. have been grossly negligent, for example by failing to keep your card or PIN secure or by failing to notify us without delay after your card is lost, stolen, or used by someone else or where your account has been compromised.
28.2. In these circumstances we will not refund transactions and we reserve the right to charge you for any reasonable costs that we incur in taking action to stop you from using your account and to recover any monies owed as a result of your activities.
28.3. If you have not been fraudulent, or grossly negligent, and have used your card and account in accordance with these Terms & Conditions, your maximum liability for any unauthorised transaction resulting from the use of a lost or stolen card or details before you notify us will be 50 euros.
28.4. We may also charge you an Administration Fee if we have to manually intervene to complete a payment or rectify an error on the account caused by an error or omission on your part.
29.1. You may allow regulated Third Party Providers (“TPPs”) (including Account Information Service Providers (“AISPs”) and Payment Initiation Service Providers (“PISPs”)) access to your online account; either to make payments, obtain account balances or obtain information on previous transactions.
29.2. Before giving consent to a TPP, you should:
29.2.1. ensure that the TPP is authorised and holds the correct regulatory permissions;
29.2.2. check what level of access you are consenting to, how your account will be used and the extent to which your data will be shared with third parties; and
29.2.3. familiarise yourself with your obligations and rights under the TPP agreement, in particular your right to withdraw consent to access your account.
29.3. We may refuse to allow a TPP access to your account where we are concerned about fraudulent or unauthorised access.
29.4. We are not party to, or responsible for, any agreements between you and a TPP. Subject to any rights to refund you may have under these Terms and Conditions, we shall have no liability for:
29.4.1. any loss whatsoever, as a result of using a TPP and entering into a TPP agreement; and
29.4.2. any actions that the TPP takes in relation to suspending or terminating your use of their service or for any resulting losses.
30.1. You may not transfer or assign any rights or obligations you may have under these Terms & Conditions to any other person without our prior written consent. We may assign the benefit and burden of these Terms & Conditions to any other person at any time on giving you two months prior notice of this. If we do this, your rights will not be affected.
31.1. These terms and conditions and all communications will be available and provided for in English, unless for informational purposes we have published these Terms & Conditions in other languages. Should there be any discrepancies or deviations between the languages, the English version shall prevail.
31.2. You have the right to request the Lithuanian version of these terms and conditions at any time and we shall make them available to you on request.
31.3. These terms and conditions will be construed in accordance with laws of the Republic of Lithuania and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction or the courts of the Republic of Lithuania.
32.1. All the information is available in chapter Fees and Limits and can be downloaded from this link.
In force from 2021-12-20
These Terms & Conditions apply to your Getchange account and Visa debit card. Please read them carefully. You can download a copy of these Terms & Conditions at any time from within your online account portal. Log in via our website
The Getchange account and Visa debit card are e-money services provided by UAB Finansinės paslaugos “Contis“. Your distributor may transfer funds from a wallet you hold directly with them to cover the value of transactions you make using your Visa card.
In these Terms & Conditions:
If you have any questions you can contact us by:
Your Getchange account and Visa debit card is issued by UAB Finansinės paslaugos “Contis“, company code 304406236, registered in the Register of Legal Entities of the Republic of Lithuania, having a head office at Mėnulio g. 11-101, Vilnius, Lithuania.
We hold the electronic money institution license no 53, dated 2019-07-23, issued by the Bank of Lithuania, who is our supervisory authority located at Gedimino pr. 6, LT-01103, Vilnius, Lithuania, telephone no. +370 800 50 500. You may find more information about the Bank of Lithuania at
Please note that Getchange Visa account and debit card is an electronic money product and although we are supervised by the Bank of Lithuania, it is not covered by the Deposit Insurance System of the Republic of Lithuania. We ensure that any funds received from you are held in a segregated account so that in the unlikely event that UAB Finansinės paslaugos “Contis“ becomes insolvent your funds will be protected against claims made by creditors.
Your Getchange account and Visa debit card is distributed by xChange AS, a public limited company incorporated in Estonia with registry code 14428150 and whose registered office is Rävala pst 4, 10143 Tallinn, on behalf of UAB Finansinės paslaugos “Contis“.
1.1. A Getchange Account is an electronic money account from which you facilitate your Getchange card.
1.2. A Getchange card is a Visa debit card that can be used worldwide wherever Visa is accepted. It can be used online, in shops, over the phone or to withdraw cash from an ATM.
1.3. You can only spend money that you have paid into your account, so before making transfers or using your card you need to make sure there are enough funds in the Getchange account. Monies in the Getchange account are not bank deposits and do not earn interest.
2.1. You must be at least 18 years old and a UK or EEA resident to be issued with a Getchange account and card. You must provide an email address and mobile phone number to open an account so that we can communicate with you.
2.2. There is a maximum of three accounts at each residential address.
3.1. You can apply on our website or you can apply through the Apps.
3.2. Before we can open an account for you and issue you with a card, we will require evidence of your identity and we may require evidence of your residential address. You may need to provide us with documents such as passport, driving licence, national identity documents, utility bills, bank statements or other documents to confirm your identity. We will also need to carry out checks on you electronically.
4.1. As soon as you receive your card you must sign the signature strip on the back.
4.2. You will then need to activate your card. You can do this by logging into your Getchange account.
4.3. You also need to obtain your PIN to authorise chip-and-pin transactions and ATM withdrawals. You can get your PIN through your online account or the Apps.
4.4. By activating your card you are agreeing to these Terms & Conditions. Your card must be activated within 3 months of it being issued or it may be automatically cancelled and your account may be closed.
5.1. If you want to change your PIN, you can do so at any ATM with PIN management functionality, locate ATMs with the “PIN change” attribute at
5.2. You can get a reminder of your PIN through the Apps.
6.1. You may pay into your account via Change, and any other method notified by us. The time taken to credit funds to your account will depend on the method of deposit used. You cannot pay into your account by a balance transfer from a credit card. You may only pay in funds up to your maximum account balance.
6.2. Certain minimum and maximum limits and usage requirements apply to your account and card; such limits and requirements are detailed in the chapter Fees and Limits. We reserve the right to refuse to accept any particular payment if we suspect any fraudulent activity or in the event of other exceptional circumstances, e.g. the payment does not originate from an account opened in your name.
6.3. As soon as we receive the funds that you have paid in, they will be on your account and ready to use. There may be occasions when we delay the funds reaching your account for up to three working days, this may happen when we need to confirm the transaction with the sending bank.
6.4. Where an overpayment has been made to your account in error, we reserve the right to debit the account with the excess amount to correct the payment transaction.
7.1. You can use your Getchange card to authorise the following transactions to merchants that accept Visa Debit card payments:
7.1.1. Chip and PIN card payments by inserting your Getchange card in the terminal and inputting your PIN;
7.1.2. Magnetic Stripe card payments to any merchant that cannot accept Chip and PIN cards by signing the sales voucher;
7.1.3. contactless card payments by waving the Getchange card over the contactless card reader;
7.1.4. Internet card payments to online merchants by providing the Getchange card details and any other security details such as your secure code credentials as requested by the online merchant;
7.1.5. mail order or telephone order card payments to merchants by providing the Getchange card details as requested by the merchant;
7.1.6. ATM cash withdrawals at ATMs displaying the Visa logo by inserting your Getchange card at the ATM, inputting your PIN and following the instructions at the ATM;
7.1.7. e-wallet payments by adding your card to the Samsung Pay, Google Pay or Apple Pay (when available) wallets in your mobile phone and waving your mobile phone over the contactless card reader or checking the e-wallet option online. You authorise the e-wallet transaction using your mobile phone security protocol which may include biometric information such as fingerprint or face ID on your mobile phone.
7.2. Like other payment cards, we cannot guarantee a third party or ATM will accept your card.
7.3. You may, in addition, be required to enter a one-time passcode or other security information including, if available and you opt for this type of identification, biometric information to authorise a transaction or make account amendments. One-time passcodes will be sent to the mobile phone number registered to your account.
7.4. As soon as a transaction is authorised we will deduct the value of your transaction from the available balance on your account. Fees may be deducted at the time of authorisation or when the transaction has been confirmed through the Visa system. A full breakdown of each transaction, including charges, will be available to view on your online account portal.
7.5. Once we have received authorisation for a transaction we will transfer funds to the retailer within 3 days, or to a bank or financial institution on the day we receive the authorisation or the day you requested the payment to be made for future dated transactions. A transaction will be received at the time we receive the transaction instruction from the retailer or ATM operator.
8.1. Generally, authorisation for a transaction may not be withdrawn by you. However, you may be able to withdraw your authorisation where you have authorised a transaction which will take place on a future date. However, where a specific date is agreed, you may not revoke a payment order after the end of the business day preceding the agreed date.
8.2. To withdraw your authorisation of a Visa debit card continuous payment authority, you must notify the retailer before the close of business on the business day before the day on which the transaction was due to take place and provide us with a copy of the notice if requested.
8.3. We may charge you an Administration Fee if a transaction is revoked by you under this paragraph (see chapter Fees and Limits).
9.1. Your card is denominated in Euro. If you make a purchase or an ATM withdrawal in any other currency we will convert the sum into euros using the exchange rate set by Visa on the day they process the transaction, this may differ from the actual date of the transaction.
9.2. If you use your euro denominated card in a European country, which does not use euros, you may receive a notification from your provider showing the exchange rate used and the euro amount, along with % difference between the rate applied by the card scheme and the European Central Bank (ECB) rate.
9.3. A transaction fee will apply to each of these transactions (see chapter Fees and Limits). Any changes to the exchange rate used to convert foreign transactions will be made immediately. You can find the exchange rate for a transaction made in a currency other than euro on a given date at:
10.1. You may not use your card for illegal purposes. It also cannot be used for a limited number of specified transactions. Please see our website for details.
11.1. You can check your account by accessing it securely through the Apps. Your statement will show:
11.1.1 information on the payee of each transaction and a reference enabling you to identify each payment transaction;
11.1.2 the amount of the transaction shown in the currency in which the transaction was paid or debited to the account;
11.1.3 the amount of charges for the transaction;
11.1.4 the exchange rate used in the payment transaction (where applicable); and
11.1.5 the date the transaction is authorised or posted on to the account.
11.2. This information is accessible at all times via the Apps, is available free of charge, and can be stored and reproduced as necessary. Paper statements are available on request and are subject to a fee (see chapter Fees and Limits).
11.3. You may, in addition, be required to enter a one-time passcode or other security information including, if available and you opt for this type of identification, biometric information to access your account. One time passcodes will be sent to the mobile phone number registered to your account.
12.1. Your card will be valid for 3 years. You will not be able to use your card after its expiry date. This agreement shall terminate when your card is cancelled or expires and is not replaced.
13.1. You can only spend the money that is paid into your account. Limits also apply to daily ATM withdrawals, and other limits may be applied to the amount of spend and the number of transactions you can perform. See chapter Fees and Limits and the Apps for further details.
13.2. If, for any reason, the transaction is completed when there are insufficient funds in your account then you will have to reimburse the shortfall to us, unless it is due to an error by the retailer with whom you made the transaction.
13.3. We may collect this shortfall from any card you have with us or from any funds which you subsequently pay into your account. We may suspend your cards until the negative balance is restored and charge you an Administration Fee (see chapter Fees and Limits) for transactions that you make using your card that results in a negative balance or increases the negative balance on your account.
14.1. If you dispute a transaction that has been processed on your card you should contact the merchant first as this may lead to the quickest resolution. If the dispute cannot be resolved with the merchant or you dispute any other account transaction you should contact us without undue delay and in any event within 13 months on becoming aware of any unauthorised or incorrectly executed payment transaction.
14.2. Where you have informed us that an executed payment was not authorised by you in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, and you have taken all reasonable steps to keep safe personalised security information, keep your card secure, not disclosed your PIN or security information to anyone else and not acted fraudulently, we will:
14.2.1. refund the amount of the unauthorised payment to you; and
14.2.2. restore the debited payment account to the state it would have been in had the unauthorised payment not taken place.
14.3. Beyond this, we will have no further liability to you. Where payee details provided by you are incorrect, we are not liable for non-execution or defective execution of the payment transaction, but we will make reasonable efforts to recover the funds involved in the payment transaction and notify you of the outcome.
14.4. You may be entitled to claim a refund in relation to transactions where:
14.4.1. the transaction was not authorised under these Terms and Conditions;
14.4.2. we are responsible for a transaction which we fail to execute or incorrectly execute. In these circumstances, we will refund to you the amount of the non-executed or defective payment transaction and restore the debited payment account to the state in which it would have been had the defective payment transaction not taken place. We will also refund to you: (a) any direct charges for which you are responsible; and (b) any interest which you must pay, as a consequence of the non-execution or defective execution of the payment transaction; or
14.4.3. a pre-authorised transaction did not specify the exact amount at the time of its authorisation and the amount charged is more than could reasonably be expected, taking into account previous spending patterns on the card and the circumstances of the transaction. We will either refund the full amount of the payment transaction; or provide justification for refusing to refund the payment transaction. Any refund or justification for refusing a refund will be provided within 10 business days of receiving a request for a refund or, where applicable, within 10 business days of receiving any further information requested. A claim for a refund in these circumstances will not be accepted if the amount of the transaction was made available to you at least 4 weeks before the transaction date or if the claim is made more than 8 weeks after being charged to your account.
15.1 You must keep your card and security credentials safe and not let anyone else know or use them. You must keep your security information secret at all times; never disclose your PIN or security information to anyone and do not store details of your PIN with your card. Security information includes your login and password details used to access your account or any other website where your card or account details are stored. We also recommend that you check the balance on your account regularly through the Apps.
16.1. If you lose your card or it is stolen, or you suspect that someone else has found out your PIN or security information or accessed your account without your permission, you must tell us without undue delay by calling us or logging onto your account through Apps or website and notifying us. Your card will be cancelled immediately and your account may be blocked. We run a dedicated line for lost or stolen cards; the number is +44 (0) 333 202 3645 and calls are charged at the standard geographical rate. If, after reporting a lost card, you subsequently find the card you must not use it. Cut it in half through the signature box, magnetic strip and chip.
16.2. If you ask us to do so, and provided that you provide information and assistance that we request from you, we will investigate any disputed transaction or misuse of your card or account.
16.3. If the investigations show that any disputed transaction was authorised by you, or you have acted fraudulently or with gross negligence (for example by failing to keep your card, security information or PIN secure or by failing to notify us without delay on becoming aware of the loss, theft, misappropriation or unauthorised use of the card or account), then we will not refund the transaction amount and you will be fully liable for all losses incurred because of the unauthorised use of the card or account.
16.4. If the investigations show that you have not acted fraudulently or with gross negligence, your maximum loss or liability to us for any unauthorised transaction will be limited to 50 euro and we will process a refund as soon as practicable, and in any event no later than the end of the business day following the day after we receive your notification.
17.1. We may refuse to pay a transaction:
17.1.1. if we are concerned about security of your card or account or we suspect your card or account is being used in an unauthorised or fraudulent manner;
17.1.2. if sufficient funds are not paid into your account at the time of a transaction to cover the amount of the transaction and any applicable fees;
17.1.3. if there is negative balance on your account;
17.1.4. if we have reasonable grounds to believe that you are not using the card or account in accordance with these Terms & Conditions;
17.1.5. if we believe that a transaction is potentially suspicious or illegal (for example, if we believe that a transaction is being made fraudulently); or
17.1.6. because of errors, failures (whether mechanical or otherwise) or refusal to process a transaction by merchants, payment processors or payment schemes such as Visa.
17.2. If we refuse a transaction, we will tell you why immediately, if we can, unless it would be unlawful for us to do so. You may correct any information we hold and which may have caused us to refuse a transaction by contacting Customer Services.
18.1. You have a legal right to cancel your account and card up to 14 days from the date your account is opened without incurring any penalty and we will refund any card issue fees. We may charge you a Card Cancellation Fee if we have already incurred costs by ordering a card in your name. You can also cancel your card any time after the 14 day period subject to a Redemption Fee (see chapter Fees and Limits) by contacting Customer Services. You should also cut your cancelled card in half through the signature box, magnetic strip and chip.
18.2. All fees and charges will be apportioned up until the time of the termination of the contract, and any fees and charges paid in advance will be reimbursed proportionally. You will not be entitled to a refund of money you have already spent on transactions authorised, or pending or any fees for use of the card or account before the card or account is cancelled or expires.
19.1. We may cancel your account and this agreement by giving you at least two months’ notice.
19.2. Reasons for immediate cancellation may include:
19.2.1. if this agreement or your card expires;
19.2.2. if you break an important part of these Terms & Conditions, or repeatedly break these Terms & Conditions and fail to resolve the matter in a timely manner;
19.2.3. if you act in a manner that is threatening or abusive to our staff, or any of our representatives;
19.2.4. if you fail to pay fees or charges that you have incurred or fail to pay back any negative balance on your card; or
19.2.5. your card has not been used for 3 consecutive months.
19.3. We may also cancel your account immediately if we:
19.3.1. suspect unauthorised or fraudulent use of your card or account;
19.3.2. have any other security concerns; or
19.3.3. need to do so to comply with the law.
19.4. We may also deny access to your card and/ or account where we consider it to be at risk of money laundering or terrorism financing, fraud or other criminal activity. Should we need to take these actions and where possible, we will give reasons for doing so except where restricted by law.
19.5. In these circumstances, you must tell us what you want us to do with any unused funds. You must do this within 3 months of the date we tell you that your account is cancelled.
20.1. You can clear the balance on your account through spending or ATM withdrawals. The fees that would apply are described in chapter Fees and Limits.
20.2. Alternatively, you may request a refund of the funds on your account by contacting Customer Services and confirming that your card has been destroyed by cutting it up. We will transfer your funds back to you at no cost to you, unless:
20.2.1. you are requesting redemption before termination or expiry of this agreement;
20.2.2. you cancel this agreement before any agreed termination or expiry date; or
20.2.3. you request redemption more than one year after the date of termination or expiry of this agreement.
If one of these situations does apply then we will charge a Redemption Fee (see chapter Fees and Limits).
20.3. We will not redeem the value of the funds on your account to you if your request for redemption of the funds is more than six years after the date of termination or expiry of this agreement.
20.4. All funds will be returned to a bank account of your choice in euros. We reserve the right to see proof of your ownership of the bank account before transferring funds to it. To enable us to comply with our legal obligations, we may ask you to provide us with certain information such as identification documents before we can process your refund request.
20.5. Please also refer to section 27 below for the circumstances in which we do not give you a refund.
21.1. The account and associated card is an electronic money product and although we are supervised by the Bank of Lithuania, it is not covered by the Deposit Insurance System of the Republic of Lithuania. No other compensation scheme exists to cover losses claimed in connection with the account and associated card. We will however ensure that any funds received by you are held in a segregated account so that should we become insolvent your funds will be protected against claims made by our creditors.
22.1. If you are unhappy in any way with your card and account or the way it is managed, you can contact Customer Services so we can investigate the circumstances for you. Any complaints you have will be dealt with quickly and fairly.
22.2. We will make every possible effort to address all points of complaint by email. We will respond within 15 business days upon receiving the complaint. If a full response cannot be provided within these timeframes, we will send a holding reply with a full response to follow within 35 business days.
22.3. If we are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction and provided you are a consumer you may apply to the consumers disputes resolutions institution – the Bank of Lithuania, ( by filing out a free-form application and sending it to the Supervision Service, Žirmūnų g. 151, LT-09128 Vilnius, email: [email protected].
23.1. You must let us know as soon as possible if you change name, address, telephone number, mobile number or e-mail address. If we contact you in relation to your account we will use the most recent contact details you have provided to us. Any e-mail or SMS text message sent to you will be treated as being received as soon as it is sent by us. We will not be liable to you if your contact details have changed and you have not told us.
24.1. We are the controller of your personal data which we will use in order to open, administer and run your account and provide payment services to you. You hereby consent to us accessing, processing, and retaining any information you provide to us, for the purposes of providing payment services to you or otherwise to fulfil this agreement. For further information about how we will process your personal data, please view our Privacy Policy at You may withdraw your consent to the processing of this data by closing your account.
25.1. We may change these Terms & Conditions by notifying you by e-mail or other agreed means at least two months before the change is due to happen. We will assume that you agree with the change. If you do not agree with the change you must tell us before the change happens and we will cancel your account immediately. If you cancel your account in this way then we will return any balance on the account to you and you will not be charged a Redemption Fee.
25.2. An up-to-date version of these Terms & Conditions, as well as any notices of future changes will always be available via our website, You should check our website and the Apps regularly for such notices and changes.
26.1. From time to time, your ability to use your card or account may be interrupted, e.g. when we carry out systems maintenance. If this happens, you may be unable (a) to use your card to pay for purchases or obtain cash from ATMs and/or (b) to obtain information about the funds available in your account and/or about your recent transactions.
26.2. In addition, like other payment cards, we cannot guarantee a merchant will accept your card, or that we will necessarily authorise any particular transaction. This may be because of a systems problem, something outside our reasonable control, to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, or because we have suspended, restricted or cancelled your account or refused to replace it in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.
27.1. If we incorrectly deduct funds from your account, we will refund them. If we subsequently establish that the refunded amount had in fact been correctly deducted, we may deduct it from your available balance and may charge you a fee. If you do not have sufficient available balance, you must repay us the amount immediately on demand.
27.2. If unauthorised transactions occur after you have notified us of the loss, theft, compromise or unauthorised use of your card or account, and you have not acted fraudulently or in breach of these Terms and Conditions, then we will be liable.
27.3. We will not be liable:
27.3.1. in any event that a merchant refuses to accept your card;
27.3.2. for any interruption, disruption or impairment of our service or any third party services on which we rely for the performance of our obligations hereunder;
27.3.3. for refusing to authorise a transaction;
27.3.4. for cancelling or suspending use of your card or account;
27.3.5. for any loss arising from your inability to use your card or access your account due to interruptions;
27.3.6. or any direct or indirect loss or damage you may suffer including loss of revenue, loss of reputation, goodwill, opportunity or anticipated savings as a result of your total or partial use or inability to use your card, the Apps, website or account or the use of your card or account by any third party (unless otherwise required by law);
27.3.7. for the quality, safety, legality or any other aspect of any goods or services purchased with your card; and
27.3.8. any abnormal and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, however so caused.
27.4. For the SMS services we offer, we are not responsible for lost, late or undelivered text messages, notifications or communications. We accept no responsibility for any technical, computer, online, telephone, cable, electronic, software, hardware, transmission, connection, internet, website or other access issue which may hinder your ability to access the SMS services.
27.5. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall operate to exclude liability for death or personal injury due to negligence or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or for any statutory liability that cannot be excluded or amended by agreement between the parties.
28.1. We may charge you for any reasonable costs that we incur in taking action to stop you using your card or account and to recover any monies owed as a result of your activities if you:
28.1.1. use your card or account fraudulently;
28.1.2. do not use your card or account in accordance with these Terms & Conditions; or
28.1.3. have been grossly negligent, for example by failing to keep your card or PIN secure or by failing to notify us without delay after your card is lost, stolen, or used by someone else or where your account has been compromised.
28.2. In these circumstances we will not refund transactions and we reserve the right to charge you for any reasonable costs that we incur in taking action to stop you from using your account and to recover any monies owed as a result of your activities.
28.3. If you have not been fraudulent, or grossly negligent, and have used your card and account in accordance with these Terms & Conditions, your maximum liability for any unauthorised transaction resulting from the use of a lost or stolen card or details before you notify us will be 50 euro.
28.4. We may also charge you an Administration Fee if we have to manually intervene to complete a payment or rectify an error on the account caused by an error or omission on your part.
29.1. You may allow regulated Third Party Providers (“TPPs”) (including Account Information Service Providers (“AISPs”) and Payment Initiation Service Providers (“PISPs”)) access to your online account; either to make payments, obtain account balances or obtain information on previous transactions.
29.2. Before giving consent to a TPP, you should:
29.2.1. ensure that the TPP is authorised and holds the correct regulatory permissions;
29.2.2. check what level of access you are consenting to, how your account will be used and the extent to which your data will be shared with third parties; and
29.2.3. familiarise yourself with your obligations and rights under the TPP agreement, in particular your right to withdraw consent to access your account.
29.3. We may refuse to allow a TPP access to your account where we are concerned about fraudulent or unauthorised access.
29.4. We are not party to, or responsible for, any agreements between you and a TPP. Subject to any rights to refund you may have under these Terms and Conditions, we shall have no liability for:
29.4.1. any loss whatsoever, as a result of using a TPP and entering into a TPP agreement; and
29.4.2. any actions that the TPP takes in relation to suspending or terminating your use of their service or for any resulting losses.
30.1. You may not transfer or assign any rights or obligations you may have under these Terms & Conditions to any other person without our prior written consent. We may assign the benefit and burden of these Terms & Conditions to any other person at any time on giving you two months prior notice of this. If we do this, your rights will not be affected.
31.1. These terms and conditions and all communications will be available and provided for in English.
31.2. You have the right to request the Lithuanian version of these terms and conditions at any time and we shall make them available to you on request.
31.3. These terms and conditions will be construed in accordance with laws of the Republic of Lithuania and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction or the courts of the Republic of Lithuania.
32.1. All the information is available in chapter Fees and Limits and can be downloaded from this link.
In force from 2022-07-19
This chapter sets the terms and conditions for using Growth Pocket and Staking - cryptocurrency services, which allow you to earn rewards on the supported cryptocurrencies held on you Account. By using the Conversion Service and buying the supported cryptocurrencies as described below, you have agreed to the use of and the terms and conditions of the services. Please be advised that the Staking service described in this chapter is not addressed to and may not be used by Users, who are located in or nationals or residents of specific countries, where such a service is not allowed, including any Restricted Jurisdiction.
1.1. While using Growth Pocket you have to use the Conversion Service, whereby you buy the supported cryptocurrencies, which are shown to you in the Apps, i.e. stablecoins, e.g. USDC, from us, in exchange for specified Fiat currencies, and vice versa. You are entitled to at all times buy specified Fiat currencies from us, in exchange for the supported cryptocurrencies, however interest is exclusively and at all times calculated on the current outstanding balance of the supported cryptocurrencies.
1.2. After having bought the supported cryptocurrencies, with Growth Pocket your cryptocurrencies may be deposited on your behalf to Crypto Interest Accounts operated by third-party custodians, e.g. BlockFi, Inc. or Payward, Inc.
1.3. Interest is calculated on an hourly basis on the current outstanding balance of the supported cryptocurrencies held on your Account, and rewarded by the first day of the following calendar month at 12:00 EET in the same supported cryptocurrency, and consecutively converted into specified Fiat currency.
1.4. All fees, including network fees for the aforementioned transfers, have already been deducted from the interest offered.
2.1. While using Staking you have to use the Conversion Service, whereby you buy the supported cryptocurrencies, which are shown to you in the Apps, from us, in exchange for specified Fiat currencies or other supported cryptocurrencies, and vice versa. You are entitled to at all times buy specified Fiat currencies or other supported cryptocurrencies from us, in exchange for the supported cryptocurrencies, however in these instances you may not be eligible for the reward.
2.2. After having bought the supported cryptocurrencies, with Staking all your supported cryptocurrencies may be deposited on your behalf to our Kraken Account, including for the use of services such as On-Chain Staking Services and/or Off-chain Staking Program, operated by third-party custodian, i.e. Payward Trading Ltd.
2.3. Interest for the specific calendar day (T) is calculated on a daily basis on the outstanding balance of the supported cryptocurrencies held on your Account at the beginning of the next calendar day (00:00 UTC; T+1), and rewarded shortly after that but not later than the end of the day in the same supported cryptocurrency. The expected as well as the exact size and rate of the Staking reward at a specific time is shown to you in the Apps, which in turn is also subject to Staking in accordance with these terms and conditions. For absolute clarity, you are not entitled for a reward for the supported cryptocurrencies or any parts of it at a specific calendar day (T), which were not held on your Account at the moment of the calculation (T+1), including whenever you have submitted a Stop Order or a Limit Order with the supported cryptocurrency.
2.4. All fees, including network fees for the aforementioned transfers, have already been deducted from the interest offered.
3.1. Since Growth Pocket and/or Staking are in their entirety cryptocurrency services, your supported cryptocurrencies are not subject to statutory or voluntary deposit guarantee schemes or deposit insurance.
3.2. By using Growth Pocket and/or Staking you acknowledge that various types of risks are involved, including but not limited to risks relating to the changes in the operating rules or other features, e.g. the existence, availability or sustainability of or forks in the specific protocol or blockchain, or the fluctuation of the value or the existence of any supported cryptocurrencies, including the fiat currency it is pegged to, counterparty risks, including but not limited to the sustainability, insolvency, liquidation and bankruptcy of one of our partners and their partners, regulatory risks and uncertainties. Should any of the risks realise, you hereby understand and consent that you are solely liable for the consequences, and we shall not assume any liability nor obligations thereof.
3.3. By using Growth Pocket and/or Staking you understand and agree that rewarding you with the interest is in our sole discretion, not an obligation, and it is not a guarantee that you will receive the reward as a whole or any parts of it, or by the due date. We have reserved the right to from time to time change the interest rate, which is shown to you in the Apps, and these terms, and temporarily or permanently terminate or discontinue providing the services of Growth Pocket and/or Staking at any time, without giving you a prior notice thereof. If that is the case in terms of Growth Pocket, we will buy back the supported cryptocurrencies from you, in exchange for specified Fiat currencies, and the interest calculation shall be terminated as of that moment, and the interest shall be rewarded by the first day of the following month. If that is the case in terms of Staking, you are no longer eligible for any rewards, i.e. interest calculation shall be terminated as of that calendar day, and we are not obliged to give you any Staking rewards for the calendar day the service the service was terminated or discontinued.
3.4. Please be advised that Staking, especially the Off-chain Staking Program, is not addressed to and may not be used by Users, who are not treated as Eligible participants, including are located in or nationals or residents of: (i) any Restricted Location; (ii) Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Singapore, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, or the United States; (iii) any jurisdiction where the Off-chain Staking Program is not legally authorized; or (iv) any jurisdiction where the use of the Off-chain Staking Program would be illegal or otherwise violate any applicable laws or regulations of that jurisdiction.
3.5. In addition to agreeing to these terms, when using Growth Pocket and/or Staking you also consent and agree to abide by the terms of our partners. Please also pay extra attention to the risk disclosure sections. Relevant documents are available at and
4.1. Change has performed and is constantly re-performing relevant due diligence on its partners and the financial, reputational and regulatory risks surrounding them. If it becomes known or Change deems the counterparty risk, including any security risk to your supported cryptocurrencies, to be unacceptable, we will immediately terminate the partnership and/or the service, and inform you thereof in the Apps.
4.2. In terms of Growth Pocket, your cryptocurrencies deposited on Crypto Interest Accounts are securely backed by third-party custodians Gemini Trust LLC (Gemini) or Circle Internet Financial, Inc. (Circle). Gemini is a New York trust company licensed by the New York State Department of Financial Services. Gemini is a fiduciary and subject to the capital reserve requirements, cybersecurity requirements, and banking compliance standards set forth by the NYSDFS and the New York Banking Law. Circle is a Boston, US based company registered as Money Services Business with FinCEN and has relevant money transmitter licenses. Once the cryptocurrencies are transferred into a cold storage system as a part of providing the service of Growth Pocket, the offline storage can only be accessed in a secure, access-controlled facility that is protected from cyber attacks.
3.3. In terms of Staking, despite cryptocurrency exchanges not qualifying for deposit insurance programs, because exchanges are not savings institutions, your cryptocurrencies deposited on Kraken Account are subject to a semi-annual advanced cryptographic accounting procedure conducted by trusted and independent third-party auditors, so-called Proof of Reserves audits, to ensure that the balance of the supported cryptocurrencies is backed by real assets.
In force from 2022-06-29
These Terms & Conditions apply to CFD Trading service and your Margin Account. Please read them carefully. You can access and download a copy of these Terms & Conditions at any time from
These are specific terms that will apply to you when you trade CFDs directly with Change Securities B.V. using Change Apps. The following terms apply to you in addition but not limited to the chapter General and Wallet, which apply to all of our services and not just to CFD Trading. Capitalised words have the same meaning which are given to those words in the General and Wallet chapter or in any other chapter in this regard. In the event of any discrepancies between the terms of CFD Trading and General and Wallet or other terms of Change, these terms of CFD Trading chapter shall prevail.
Citizens or residents of and persons located in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bahamas, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Belarus, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guam, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Iran, Iraq, Laos, Libya, Mali, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Panama, Puerto Rico, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe and or the United States of America (USA), as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and any other US possessions, are prohibited from using the service of CFD Trading. The country list above shall not be treated as exhaustive, and we reserve the right to at all times at its own discretion decline to provide the services above to any person, who is a citizen or a resident of or located in a country, which we unilaterally deem as having an unacceptable risk, and amend the list without giving a prior notification thereof.
Any marketing or informational content published about the CFD Trading service, or distribution thereof, is not addressed to the Belgian public.
In these Terms & Conditions:
If you have any questions you can contact us by:
All of the terms and definitions not stipulated in these Terms & Conditions are stipulated in the General and Wallet chapter.
1.1. A contract for difference (“CFD”) is a financial product which allows you to trade on the price movements of an underlying product for example shares, forex, indices, commodities, or cryptoassets. When you trade a CFD, you are agreeing to exchange the difference in the price of an underlying product from the point in time when your position is opened to when it is closed.
1.2. We may act as principal or on a matched principal basis when providing you with the CFD Trading services. This means we will be the counterparty to your trades.
1.3. Where you buy and sell complex products, such as CFDs, we are required to assess the appropriateness of the product by taking into account your trading knowledge and experience by conducting the Appropriateness Assessment.
1.4. If we have assessed that the CFD Trading is not appropriate for you, we will either:
1.4.1. provide you with an appropriate warning, after which you may decide to continue at your own risk; or
1.4.2. refrain from enabling the CFD Trading functionality on your Account, so that you will not be able to trade using the Apps.
1.5. We allow you to trade CFDs using Margin Trading. This means you can make money quickly, but you can also lose money quickly. You can find out more about what Margin Trading and leverage are, the risks of trading CFDs, and the risks of leverage in section 3 and 5, the General Risk Disclosure, and on the Website.
1.6. If you are a retail client, we will make sure that your Open CFD Position will get closed when the unrealised net profit of that Open CFD Position falls to less than half of the initial margin.
1.7. If you are a retail client, we will make sure you do not lose more money than what you have deposited on your Margin Account.
2.1. When you trade a CFD, you will have an economic exposure to the underlying product of the CFD, but you will not have legal ownership of any underlying products. For example, if you trade a CFD over shares, you will not have the rights which legal owners have, such as voting rights or rights to dividends. However, we may carry out adjustments if such a Market Event occurs. Please refer to section 13 of these terms for more information on a Market Event.
3.1. CFDs are complex derivative products and come with a high risk of losing money quickly due to leverage. Trading with leverage magnifies your gains and losses, so small price changes in the underlying product can result in large losses or gains. It is therefore possible that you may lose more than your deposit in a specific trade. Please refer to section 5 of these terms for more information on Margin Trading.
3.2. The underlying assets of CFDs are often made up of equities, foreign exchange, commodities, cryptoassets and similar products. The markets of these products can be volatile, which means the prices of the products can change rapidly, and therefore may be unpredictable.
3.3. You should only trade CFDs if all of the following applies:
3.3.1. you have sufficient and relevant knowledge about or experience in, trading in volatile markets;
3.3.2. you have time to manage your Open CFD Positions on an active basis;
3.3.3. you fully understand how CFDs work (including all associated risks and costs), are aware that Margin Trading creates greater risks;
3.3.4. you understand that there are situations where we are allowed to close out your Open CFD Positions without giving you any notice;
3.3.5. you are trading with money you can afford to lose;
3.3.6. you have a high-risk tolerance; and
3.3.7. you want to gain short term financial exposure to a product.
3.4. You should ensure you fully understand the risks involved before using our Services and, if required, take appropriate investment, financial, legal, tax and other necessary professional, independent advice. More information on the risks associated with trading CFDs is set out in our General Risk Disclosure. You should read this document and fully understand the risks before accepting these Terms & Conditions.
4.1. Money that you have transferred to your Margin Account, i.e. the deposit is held by an independent foundation named Stichting Cliëntengelden Optionclub which keeps liquid assets equal to all balances of Margin Accounts. This means it is always guaranteed that all balances of Margin Accounts can be paid out.
4.2. We are covered by the Dutch investor compensation scheme (ICS) operated by the Dutch central bank. If we fail, the scheme guarantees that you will receive back your money deposited on the Margin Account up to € 20,000 or as may be updated from time to time.
4.3. Importantly, the protection is only applicable to regulated products i.e. CFD Trading. This means that any cryptoasset related Service is not protected.
4.4. Claims ensuing from investment losses suffered from CFD Trading are not eligible for compensation.
5.1. We allow you to trade CFDs using leverage. Leverage is a form of borrowing which allows you to deposit only a part of the cost of your transaction upfront. This deposit is called “margin” and is used by us as security against any potential losses you may incur. The more leverage you use, the less margin you need. Money being used as margin cannot be transferred out of your Margin Account.
5.2. Different amounts of leverage, i.e. margin requirements apply to different underlying products. Applicable law sets maximum leverage amounts, but we can decrease the leverage we offer at any time. The amount of leverage which you can access at a particular point in time can be viewed on the Website or in the Apps.
5.3. If you are a retail client, we are required by law to limit the amount of leverage that you can apply to certain transactions and set a minimum margin requirement. Professional clients will not be subject to these restrictions. The nature of these restrictions will depend on where you are a resident, and are likely to vary depending on the underlying product that you are trading. Where transactions were executed with a leverage or margin that is no longer permitted in the country where you live, we may close any or all of your Open CFD Positions without further notice to you and we may also close your Account. You acknowledge that this may result in a profit or a loss to you.
5.4. We will calculate your margin on a position by position basis. The money available as margin on a position, cannot equal less than 50% of the money that you might lose on that Open CFD Position at any time. If you do not have enough margin available, we may require additional margin to secure your trades. The amount of money that you must have available as a margin can be viewed on the Website or in the Apps.
5.5. It is your responsibility to monitor the money in your Margin Account against your potential losses, the margin required, and whether your position is close to your stop level, as we will not notify you when this happens. If you do not have enough money in your Margin Account to meet the margin requirement on a certain position, you should do the following:
5.5.1. close any or all of your Open CFD Positions to stop losing more money;
5.5.2. partially close any or all of your Open CFD Positions; and/or
5.5.3. adjust your stop levels, but please note, that the ability to adjust your stop levels is subject to you having the appropriate amount of money on your Margin Account.
5.6. Unless you carry out one or more of the steps listed in clause 5.5, your Open CFD Position will be closed irrespective of the total amount of money available on your Margin Account or the performance and balance of your other Open CFD Positions.
5.7. We may change our margin requirements i.e. leverage multipliers at any time, at our sole discretion, including in order to comply with the applicable law. One margin demand does not preclude another. Any amount needed to meet the new requirements must be satisfied in the currency we specify. The adjustment should be made immediately unless we specify a future date and/or time by which the adjustment must be made.
6.1. An order is any instruction given or request placed by you with us to purchase or to sell or otherwise deal in financial products, which may include a limit order, stop loss order and/or take profit order or such other order as may be available on the trading platform from time to time. We will then need to accept your order for it to take effect. Please read section 7 which explains when you might be able to change or cancel your order, as well as when we might not accept your order or cancel your order when using CFD Trading service.
6.2. You can place an order by using the Apps. Generally we do not accept orders over the phone, but may do so at our discretion.
6.3. We will execute orders that are received from your Account, and which we reasonably believe are from you, or authorised by you. Please be careful when placing an order. If you place orders by accident or in error, for example if you place multiple orders which are the same, we will assume that you did this on purpose and we will execute them without checking this with you.
6.4. Once we accept your order, we will execute it in accordance with any specific instructions that you give. This is called a trade. For more information on how you can place an order, the instructions that you can give, and how we may execute your order, please read our Best Execution Policy.
6.5. We cannot guarantee that your execution price will match your order price, including where you've placed a limit order, take profit and/or stop loss order. This is because the market may be volatile and/or the price may have moved up or down between the time that you place your order (or the time your limit order, take profit and/or stop loss order has been activated) and the time that we execute your order. This is known as slippage. When this happens, we will execute your order at the next best price and in accordance with our Best Execution Policy.
6.6. If you have placed an order during the condition stipulated in the following sub-clauses then the applicable order you have placed will be executed as soon as is reasonable under the circumstances when trading resumes. We do not guarantee that your order will be executed at the first available underlying market price at commencement of trading or within any specific range compared to other market prices which may be available to you from other sources. We are not liable for any loss or for other claims which you may have in connection with such orders. The conditions can be the following:
6.6.1. times in which the market of the underlying is suspended (for example, during the weekend or at off-market hours, suspension due to market conditions or due to any other event in which the market of the underlying is suspended); and/or
6.6.2. during the time the market was open, however, your order is triggered shortly following a suspension.
6.7. We will execute orders received during trading hours. Different products have different trading hours and these are available on the Website. It is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of the trading hours for the product you are trading. We may agree to execute orders outside of business hours, at our discretion.
6.8. Where you place an order outside of market hours, or where the product you are trading has a 24/7 market, but your order is placed during a period where there is limited trading (for example during the weekend), the availability of the different functionalities which we may provide as part of CFD Trading, including instructions which you may give in respect of a trade, may be delayed or may not be available. We are not liable for any loss which results from your inability to access or provide certain trading functionalities and instructions.
7.1. You may request to cancel or modify an order which we have not executed. However, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to carry out your request. This will depend on the product that you are trading.
8.1. We are not required to accept every order that you place and have reserved the right to decline any order or transaction. Even if we have accepted your order we are not required to execute it. The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples of situations where we may not accept an order, not execute or complete an order, or cancel an order:
8.1.1. we reasonably believe that the security of the App or your Account, including Margin Account is at risk, or if we're concerned about unauthorised or fraudulent use of your Account. This might happen if we think someone is using your Account without your permission;
8.1.2. you do not have enough money in your Margin Account to cover the maximum amount of loss associated with your order, plus any associated fees, charges and applicable margin;
8.1.3. we have a good reason to believe that there is an error with your order. For example, if you have placed an order that is unusually large and you have never done this before;
8.1.4. the order you have requested is unusual or for exaggerated volumes;
8.1.5. there is an error with the quote that we have provided. For example, if the quote is manifestly different from the market price, prices on exchanges, prices on other trading platforms, and/or if the quote lacks economical sense;
8.1.6. there is a change in the applicable law, which means that the order is no longer in compliance with the law;
8.1.7. there is a Market Event;
8.1.8. an exchange requests or recommends that the order is cancelled;
8.1.9. you breach the rules of trading;
8.1.10. an event of default occurs; or
8.1.11. an exceptional event occurs.
8.2. If we do not accept your order, execute your order, or cancel your order, we will inform you by making that information available in the Apps, unless there is a legal reason that we cannot provide this information to you. If we charged you a fee as part of the order, we will refund that money back into your Margin Account. If there were no fees or charges, then you will not receive a refund.
8.3. If we have executed your order, and therefore a transaction has occurred, we may take corrective actions and either modify the transaction, or void the transaction, under the scenarios listed in clause 8.1 above. We will inform you of errors by making information available on our trading platform, including any corrective actions we intend to take.
8.4. We will not be responsible for any losses you incur as a result of any actions or inactions taken by us in accordance with this section 8.
9.1. We are required to take sufficient steps to achieve the best possible result for you, on a consistent basis, when providing CFD Trading. Our Best Execution Policy sets out the procedures that we follow as well as the relevant market factors that we take into account as part of our best execution obligation. This policy, which may be amended from time to time, forms part of our agreement with you and is available on our Website.
9.2. We understand that the best execution result is one that produces the best possible financial result for you, and that the “best possible financial result” is the best possible result in combination across all your trades. This means that some trades, taken individually, may be less favourable. Where we reasonably believe that it is in the overall best interest of all our clients, we may combine your order with our own orders or those of other customers, or we may split your orders. Best interests are not solely determined by price, and we also consider other factors, such as the speed of the trade and the likelihood of the trade being successful, to be important. Aggregation or splitting of orders may result in you obtaining, on some occasions, more favourable terms or price, and, on other occasions, less favourable terms or price than if your order had been executed separately.
9.3. We monitor the effectiveness of our Best Execution Policy on a regular basis to ensure that we consistently achieve the best results for you.
10.1. We may close your Open CFD Position where our system or you have placed a stop-loss order and the stop price has been reached.
10.2. We may decline or cancel your order and close your Open CFD Position where you do not have the required margin in your Margin Account or you do not meet the margin requirements, as described in section 5 above. We may do this without further notice to you, and you may make a profit or a loss as a result.
10.3. We may also close your orders in special circumstances or when a Market Event occurs as described in section 13 below.
10.4. Please refer to section 8 above for more information about our rights and your rights in special circumstances.
11.1. Information about your trading activities, which includes records of the trades that you've concluded, your Open CFD Positions, margin, balances as well as other information about your trades and orders, is available online in your Account. Your Account will be updated no later than 24 hours after any activity takes place. You will be able to filter this information in different ways, for example on a per month basis. We are under no obligation to provide this information in hard copy or by email, but we may do so upon your request.
11.2. If you think there is a problem with your Account, please contact us as soon as possible and not later than 48 hours following the day on which the information became available. Otherwise, the information will be conclusive evidence of your transactions, concluded trades, your Open CFD Positions, margin, and balances.
12.1. There are rules which you need to follow when using our CFD Trading service. These are:
12.1.1. you must not reverse engineer or avoid any security measures on the trading platform;
12.1.2. you must not use any software, artificial intelligence, ultra-high speed, or mass data entry which might manipulate, game, abuse, or give you an unfair advantage when using our systems or Services;
12.1.3. you will not enter into trades which manipulate our systems or Services, for example entering into a buy trade as well as a sell trade, for the same or for a similar product, at the same or similar time;
12.1.4. you will not enter into transactions or combinations of transactions such as holding long and short positions in the same or similar instruments at similar times either by you or by you acting in concert with others, which, taken together or separately, are for the purpose of manipulating our systems or Services for gain;
12.1.5. you will not act in an unfair, abusive, manipulative, or illegal way when using our Services, for example scalping;
12.1.6. you will not enter into trades aimed at exploiting errors in prices and/or conclude trades at off-market prices; and
12.1.7. your order must not violate exchange rules or securities or commodities laws, regulations or rules, and/or be intended to defraud or manipulate the market.
12.2. If you make money by breaching the above rules, we may not pay that money to you or, if we have paid that money, we may deduct it from any of the balances of your Account.
12.3. If you breach any of the above rules we will record such breach. We may also cancel your orders, freeze, block and/or terminate our Services, your Account, and/or our agreement with you. We may, but are not required to, give you notice of this, subject to the applicable law.
13.1. There are various types of events that affect the trading of specific products resulting in for example higher price volatility, higher trading activity or changes related to the structure of a given product. Most of the latter can be categorised as corporate events which will result in a change to the financial instruments. Examples of corporate events include share consolidations, share splits, reorganisations, mergers, take-over offers (and similar), name changes and rebranding, dividend distributions, and delistings.
13.2. If a Market Event impacts the underlying product of a CFD, we will use reasonable endeavours to adjust all Open CFD Positions on that instrument, in a fair way and in accordance with market practice, and/or taking into account the treatment we may receive from our counterparties or any relevant third party and the deduction of any taxes applicable. The adjustments we carry out will depend on the circumstances of each event, and is according to our sole discretion, however we are not obliged to do this. Adjustments may include changing the price or the quantity of CFDs that you have to reflect the economic rights that you had prior to the Market Event occurring.
13.3. If an issuer of an underlying product goes into insolvency or is dissolved, we will close any Open CFD Positions related to that product. The closing date shall be the date of insolvency. Any money from the sale will be paid into your Margin Account. If you lose money as a result of the sale, we are not responsible for this.
13.4. We reserve the rights to close out any Open CFD Positions at the market price immediately prior to the Market Event taking place.
14.1. We are required to act in your best interest when providing our Services. However, there may be instances where your interests conflict with our interests, or with another customer's interests. For example:
14.1.1. we may execute hedging transactions before or after entering into a transaction with you to manage our risk in relation to the transaction, which may impact the price you pay or receive for such transactions, and we will retain any profits generated by such hedging. However, we are not required to hedge transactions if we do not want to;
14.1.2. we may enter into arrangements with third parties, or with other customers, where we make payments to them or receive payments from them based on your trading activity or volume, where such arrangements are permitted by the applicable law. These payments may include rebates, commissions, widened spreads and profit sharing;
14.1.3. we may provide, pay or receive fees, commissions or non-monetary benefits where such payments are permitted by the applicable law;
14.1.4. we may share dealing charges with our affiliate companies or receive remuneration from them in respect of transactions carried out on your behalf;
14.1.5. we may be the counterparty to trades that you enter into; and
14.1.6. we are responsible for setting the price of instruments and products which can be traded in the Apps. This means that our prices can be different from the prices provided by other brokers and the market price, as well as the current prices on any exchanges or trading platforms.
14.2. We have in place a number of internal policies and arrangements to help manage any conflicts. In addition, the potential conflicts related to trading detailed above are subject to an objective criteria which is set out in our Best Execution Policy.
15.1. You expressly consent to us using the Apps or Website, as we deem appropriate, to inform you of information about us and of changes to such information (including changes to Terms and Conditions and our Best Execution Policy).
15.2. We may also communicate with you via Apps and Website, by email, telephone, post, newsletter, letter, electronic chats, and/or any other means of communication. We will use the contact details you gave us when you opened your Account, and as updated by you to us.
15.3. If your details change, including your email address, contact numbers, name, home address, country of residence or nationality, you must tell us as soon as possible. If you do not let us know, you might not receive important information from us.
15.4. Our Terms and Conditions, i.e. our agreement with you, and all information, statements and notifications between you and us, will be in English and we will communicate in English. If we provide you with documents in another language, and there is an inconsistency, the English version will prevail.
16.1. If you are unhappy with a Service or something has gone wrong, please contact us so we can investigate the circumstances for you and we will try to put it right. You may contact us using any of the following means:
16.1.1. email to [email protected];
16.1.2. log in to the Apps and send us a secure message; or
16.1.3. send a letter to Keizersgracht 482, 1017EG Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
16.2. We will make every possible effort to address all points of complaint by email. We will respond within 5 business days upon receiving the complaint. If a full response cannot be provided within these timeframes, we will send a holding reply with a full response to follow within 20 business days.
16.3. If you want to know more about how we handle customer complaints, please read our Complaints Handling Procedure.
16.4. If you're still not happy with how we've dealt with your complaint, you can refer it to the Dutch Financial Services Complaints Tribunal (Kifid) using our registration number 400.000422. The Kifid consists of the Financial Services Ombudsman and the Financial Services Disputes Committee.
16.5. Ultimately you may turn to the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) or to relevant courts. For more information on such alternative solutions, please refer to the Website.
17.1. We may change these Terms & Conditions by notifying you by e-mail or other agreed means at least one month before the change is due to happen. We will assume that you agree with the change. If you do not agree with the change you must tell us before the change happens and we will cancel your account immediately. If your account is cancelled or you cancel your account in this way, we will return any balance on the account to you.
17.2. An up-to-date version of these Terms & Conditions, as well as any notices of future changes will always be available on the Website. You should check it regularly for such notices and changes.
18.1. You may not transfer or assign any rights or obligations you may have under these Terms & Conditions to any other person without our prior written consent. We may assign the benefit and burden of these Terms & Conditions to any other person at any time on giving you two months prior notice of this. If we do this, your rights will not be affected.
19.1. This agreement is concluded in English. All communications with you will be in English. These Terms & Conditions are governed by Dutch law and all disputes shall be solved by a way of negotiations, or if the Parties fail to do so in respective Dutch courts.
20.1. We will charge you a fee for each order we execute for you. This is called a spread. A spread is the difference in the sell and the buy price. The spread is different for each type of product and Service and can be found in the Apps and on the Website.
20.2. We will estimate the total amount of spread that applies each time you place an order. We cannot provide you with an exact amount because the spread may change between the time you make an order, and the time we execute your order.
20.3. The spreads which we charge can change due to market conditions. For example, there may be instances when market conditions cause spreads to widen beyond the typical spreads displayed on our website and/or platform.
20.4. All the information is available in chapter Fees and Limits. However, for specific Services, other fees may also apply. For example, if you trade CFDs, we also charge you an overnight fee. We may update our commissions, charges, fees and costs from time to time. It is your responsibility to keep up to date with any changes, and to be aware of the commissions, charges, fees and costs that apply to your trades and the Services that you use.
20.5. You acknowledge that all amounts due to us shall be deducted from any of the balances of your Account.
21.1. When you terminate your relationship with us and provide us with instructions for closing your Account, we will arrange for your Open CFD Positions to be closed as soon as reasonably possible in accordance with these Terms & Conditions. Where securities are sold, you may suffer a shortfall between the amount you invested and the amount you get back after sale. We are not responsible for any shortfall that arises. Any shortfall will be borne by you.
21.2. We will hold all the proceeds as client money and we will charge fees and any other applicable charges and taxes from that money.
21.3. We are required to keep your records for at least five years after your Account is closed. This period may be extended by the applicable law or agreement between you and us in writing. These records will be our sole property.
In force from 2020-07-03
This is a specific policy that will apply when you use CFD Trading Service i.e. trade CFDs directly with Indexa B.V. using Change Apps. In this procedure:
The Best Execution Policy (hereinafter "the Policy" is provided to the Client in accordance with the Provisions of Investment Services, the Exercise of Investment Activities, the Operation of Regulated Markets and Other Related Markets Laws supervised by The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM), (hereinafter "the Law"). Pursuant to the Law, the Company is required to take all sufficient steps to obtain the best possible result on behalf of its Clients when providing to them the Investment Services that the Company is licensed to provide. The Client acknowledges that by opening a Margin Account with the Company his orders will be executed Over-the-Counter ("OTC"). That means that Client orders will be executed outside Regulated Markets and/or Multilateral Trading Facilities.
The Company is authorised to execute orders on Clients’ behalf. The present policy applies only to Retail Clients, it does not apply to Eligible Counterparties and Professional clients.
The Company takes all sufficient steps to act in the best interest of its Customers when executing Customer’s Orders and obtain the best possible result for Customers taking into account the following factors when dealing with Customers Orders: price, cost, speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, size, market impact or any other consideration relevant to the execution of an order. The Company does not consider the above list exhaustive and the order in which the above factors are presented shall not be taken as priority factor. The Company when executing Clients’ Orders is required under the relevant regulatory framework to assign a relative importance on the following execution factors:
a. Price: For any given CFD, the Company will quote two prices: the higher price (ASK) at which the Client can buy (go long) that CFD, and the lower price (BID) at which the Client can sell (go short) that CFD. Collectively, the ASK and BID prices are referred to as the Company’s price. The difference between the lower and the higher price of a given CFD is the spread. Such orders as Buy Limit and Stop Loss, Take profit for opened short position are executed at ASK price. Such orders as Sell Limit and Stop Loss, Take profit for opened long position are executed at BID price. The Company’s price for a given CFD is calculated by reference to the price of the relevant underlying asset, which the Company obtains from third party external reference sources. The Company’s prices can be found on the Company’s website and/or trading platforms. The Company updates its prices as frequently as the limitations of technology and communications links allow. The Company reviews its third party external reference sources in frequent periods to ensure that the data obtained continues to remain competitive.
b. Costs: For opening a position in some types of CFDs the Client may be required to pay a mark-up on spread and an overnight financing fee (“swap”) if the Client wished to hold his position overnight. The amount of the costs is disclosed on the Company's website and/or trading platforms. Commissions may be charged either in the form of a percentage of the overall value of the trade or as fixed amounts. In the case of financing fees, the value of opened positions in some types of CFDs is increased or reduced by a daily financing fee “swap rate” throughout the life of the contract. Financing fees are based on prevailing market interest rates, which may vary over time. Details of daily financing fees applied are available on the Company’s website and/or trading platforms. For all types of CFDs that the Company offers, the commission and financing fees are not incorporated into the Company’s quoted price and are instead charged explicitly to the Client account.
c. Speed of Execution: The Company places a significant importance when executing Client’s Orders and strives to offer high speed of execution within the limitations of technology and communication links. In case where the Clients use a wireless connection or a dial up connection or any other communication link that can cause a poor internet connection, which can cause unstable connectivity with the Company's trading platform, resulting to the Client placing his orders at a delay and the orders being executed at a better or worse prevailing price offered, the Company does not accept any liability in case of such incident.
d. Likelihood of Execution: There would be cases where it may not be possible to arrange the order for execution. That is because we rely on third-party LPs for prices and available volume. Therefore, the execution of Clients’ orders will depend on whether there are prices and liquidity available at the time these orders are received. The availability on execution may be subject to variation, especially during abnormal market conditions, such as:
e. Likelihood of settlement: The CFDs offered by the Company do not involve the delivery of the underlying asset, so there is no settlement as there would be for example if the Customer had bought shares.
f. Size of Order: The minimum size of an order may be different for each asset type and/ or financial instrument. A Lot is a unit for measuring the transaction amount and is different for each type of Financial Instrument. Please refer to the website and/or platform for the value of minimum size of an order or minimum Lot for a given CFD type.
g. Market Impact: Some factors may rapidly affect the price of the underlying instruments/products from which the Company’s quoted price is derived and may also affect other factors listed herein. The Company will take all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible result for its Clients.
h. Partial Fills: This is the practice of executing an order in parts if there is not enough liquidity in the market at the time in order to fill-in the full order at a specific price. Partial fills may be executed at different prices.
a. Slippage: This situation occurs when there is latency between the quoted and executed price. Latency can lead to slippage i.e. the difference between the expected price of an order, and the price the order is actually executed at. Negative slippage occurs when the executed price is worse than the price requested by the Client. Positive Slippage occurs when the execution price is better than the price requested by the Client. Slippage is more likely to occur in the forex market when volatility is high, perhaps due to news events, or during times when the currency pair is trading outside peak market hours. Additionally, slippage can occur both to market and pending orders. Pending orders will be executed at the next best available price. As part of monitoring its best execution, the Company ensures that it does not apply asymmetric slippage to its clients.
b. Re-quotes: The Company only has market execution. Thus, it will not provide a secondary quote to the Client after an order has been submitted.
a. Market Order(s): A Market Order is an order to buy or sell a CFD at the current price. Execution of this order results in opening a position. CFDs are bought at the ASK price and sold at the BID price. Stop Loss and Take Profit Orders can be attached to a Market Order. Market Orders are offered for all types of accounts.
b. Pending Order(s): The Company may offer the following types of Pending Orders:
These are the entities with which the Company places and executes Client Orders. The Execution Venue(s) that the Company is using are found in Annex I.
The Customer acknowledges that the transactions entered into with the Company for the financial instrument provided by the Company are undertaken through the trading platform of the Company. The Orders will be executed on an ‘over the counter’ basis.
The Company shall not receive any remuneration, discount or non-monetary benefit for routing client Orders to a particular execution venue which may lead to a conflict of interest. The company will not pay or be paid any fee or commission, or provide or be provided with any non monetary benefit in connection with the provision of an investment service or an ancillary service, to or by any party except the client or a person on behalf of the client, other than where the payment or benefit:
a. is designed to enhance the quality of the relevant service to the client; and
b. does not impair compliance with the investment firm’s duty to act honestly, fairly and professionally in accordance with the best interest of its clients.
The Company takes sufficient steps to obtain the best possible result for our Clients, when executing orders, taking into account the price, costs, speed, likelihood of execution, size, nature or any other consideration relevant to the execution of the order. In relation to the best execution criteria, for orders that are not wholly covered based on your specific instructions, we shall take into consideration the execution factors and their relevant importance in the order presented below:
Price is one of the most important factors in order for the Company to meet its best execution obligations. The Company receives its prices from its Liquidity Providers and uses price aggregation technology to detect and quote the best Bid and Ask quote from the LPs to the trading platform. We do not however guarantee that our quoted prices will be at a price which is as good, or better, than one might have been available elsewhere.
We place a significant importance in this factor when executing Client orders and to this end we maintain high speed connections through multiple servers hosted globally within the limitations of technology and communications links. However, the use of any form of unstable connection at the Client’s end, whether wireless or dial-up, may result in poor or interrupted connectivity, which may cause delays in the transmission of data between the Client and us. As the Client places Orders through the Company’s Electronic Trading Platform, the Client is exposed to risks associated with that, including the failure of hardware and software (e.g. Internet connectivity issues, server downtimes, etc). This may result that client’s Order is either not executed in accordance with his expectations or it is not executed at all. The Company does not accept any liability in the case of such a failure.
The Company is the sole Execution Venue for the execution of the Client’s Orders for the Financial Instruments provided by the Company and, as such, it strives to execute, in whole, all Orders placed by the Clients. However, it reserves the right to decline or partly fill in any Order or to execute the order at the first available market price without providing any justification to Client. We rely on third-party LPs for prices and available volume of the different financial instruments we offer. Therefore, the execution of Client's orders will depend on whether there are prices and liquidity available at the time these orders are received. By having various LPs, the likelihood of execution across the instruments we offer is high. This availability may be subject to variation, especially during abnormal market conditions, such as:
The minimum size of an order may be different for each asset type and/or financial instrument. A Lot is a unit measuring the transaction amount and it is different for each type of Financial Instrument. Please refer to the website and/or platform for the value of minimum size of an order or minimum Lot for a given CFD type.
All transactions are settled upon execution.
Some market factors may affect rapidly the Company’s quoted price of the Financial Instruments. These factors may, in turn, affect some of the other execution factors listed above. The Company takes all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible result for its Clients. The Company does not consider the above list exhaustive and the order in which the above factors are presented shall not be taken as priority factor.
Whenever a Client gives a specific instruction as to the execution of their order, the Company will execute that order in accordance with the Client’s specific instructions. In following those specific instructions, the Company will be deemed to have satisfied its best execution obligations in respect of that part of the order to which the specific instructions relate. If a Client requires their order to be executed in a particular manner, they must clearly state their desired method of execution when they place their order. To the extent that the Client’s specific instructions are not comprehensive, the Company will determine any non-specified aspects in accordance with this Policy. It should be noted that specific instructions from a Client may prevent the Company from taking the necessary steps it has designed and implemented in this Policy, to obtain the best possible outcome for the execution of those orders in respect of the elements covered by those instructions.
The Company has processes and procedures which analyse the execution quality and monitor best execution. The Company monitors and measures the competitiveness of its prices and the speed of its execution against other Forex Brokers.
The Company’s second and third line of defences, namely the Compliance and Internal Audit perform additional reviews and assessments on best execution on a regular basis and at least annually or whenever a material change occurs that affects the Company’s ability to continue obtaining the best result for Clients’ orders.
These reports should be stored in an internal electronic folder.
Specific Leverage restrictions apply for Retail Clients. Hedging is not permitted while using CFD Trading. Where a Customer opens a second position on the same instrument, this will be netted-off against the existing open position. CFDs are not eligible for sale or distribution in certain jurisdictions or countries. This Policy is not directed to any jurisdiction or country where its publication, availability or distribution would be contrary to local laws or regulations.
The table below lists brokers (Liquidity Providers / Execution venues) that the Company currently uses for executing the Orders. The Company reserves the right to use other execution venues and third parties where we consider that it is appropriate in the light of this Policy, and we may from time to time add or remove an execution venue or a broker from this list. The following execution venues will be used for executing the Orders:
Execution venue
Country of Establishment
Supervisory Authority
Commencement of the relationship with the Company
CFH Clearing
United Kingdom
Financial Conduct Authority
9th of June, 2020
In force from 2022-06-29
This procedure applies to CFD Trading service. You can access and download a copy of this document at any time from
This is a specific procedure that will apply when you use CFD Trading Service i.e. trade CFDs directly with Change Securities B.V. using Change Apps and lodged a Complaint. In this procedure:
If you have any questions you can contact the Company by:
All of the terms and definitions not stipulated in this document are stipulated in the various chapters of the Terms and Conditions available on the Website.
1.1. Under the law the Company is required to establish, implement and maintain effective and transparent procedures for the reasonable and prompt handling of Complaints or grievances received from Complainants and keep records of each Complaint as well as any actions taken by the Company to remedy the situation in accordance with the provisions of the competent authorities.
1.2. This procedure sets out the method for the submission of Complaints with the Company from its clients and the processes followed by the Company when dealing with such Complaints.
1.3. The Company considers having a Complaint when the Complainant has filled out the relevant Complaint Form, available on the Website, and submitted it to the Company via the following methods:
1.3.1. by email at [email protected]; or
1.3.2. by post Keizersgracht 482, 1017EG Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
1.4. In case the Company receives a notification through the line of communication established by the Company, but which does not fall within the definition of clause 1.3 and can be characterised not as Complaint, this shall be categorised as an enquiry and will be forwarded to the relevant contact within Company to be handled accordingly. The Complainant maintains the right to request for the reclassification of the enquiry as a Complaint.
2.1. The customer support and if necessary, member of the compliance staff, shall efficiently handle any Complaint received by a Complainant. In the case that the Complaint is against the compliance staff, the Complaint shall be handled by a director of the Company.
3.1. It is the Company’s policy not to accept any verbal complaints or grievances. Should any of the Company’s employees (regardless of department) receive a verbal Complaint or grievance, the procedure stipulated in the following clauses 3.2-3.3 must be followed.
3.2. The member of the staff receiving the verbal complaint or grievance shall take all the necessary actions so that the Complaint or grievance is properly addressed. The person will inform the Complainant that all the Complaints or grievances must be made in writing by completing the relevant Complaint Form as stipulated in clause 1.3. Once the Complainant completes and submits the Complaint Form the procedure for written Complaints shall be followed as described in section 4.
3.3. The member of the staff, in addition to the above, should make all best efforts to ensure that in the case of the Complaint or grievance being of such nature that can be resolved immediately, to do so that the Complainant will not have to fill out the Complaint Form. The member of staff in such a case shall not do the following:
3.3.1. commit on behalf of the Company in taking any action prior to examining the issues in a formal manner;
3.3.2. commit in any way to the Complainant;
3.3.3. address any issues in relation to best execution; nor
3.3.4. address any issues relating to legal, compliance or regulatory issues.
4.1. If the complaint was received in the manner not fulfilling the conditions stipulated in section 1, i.e. the complaint was received through internal channels of communication such as chat, client correspondence, on other Company’s email addresses, or by any other Company’s member of the staff, then the complaint, in the form that has been received, must be forwarded, in the form it has been received to [email protected] within the same working day.
4.2. Once the Complainant submits a written complaint, customer support will send an electronic acknowledgment of receipt to the Complainant’s registered email address within five (5) working days following receipt, to verify that the Company has received the written Complaint and will request the Complainant to complete the relevant Complaint Form.
4.3. Upon completion and submission of the Complaint Form, customer support will investigate the grounds of the Complaint and if, based on the information provided, the grievance does not fall within the definition of Complaint or is not considered to be a Complaint it will be categorised as an enquiry and will be forwarded to the relevant member of the staff to be handled appropriately.
4.4. If the grievance falls within the definition of Complaint or is considered to be a Complaint, then the member of the staff will register the Complaint to an internal registry by giving it a unique reference number and by categorising it accordingly (e.g. technical, operational, compliance, legal) for the purpose of handling the Complaint most effectively.
4.5. In addition, within five (5) working days customer support shall inform the Complainant of the following:
4.5.1. that the Complainant must use the given reference number in all future correspondence with the Company regarding the submitted Complaint;
4.5.2. the process which is followed when handling a Complaint;
4.5.3. who is the member of the staff that is dealing with the Complaint and their contact details;
4.5.4. what is the indicative handling time (as a standard 20 working days); and
4.5.5. that the Complaint handling procedure is free of charge.
4.6. Moreover, the customer support must make sure that the following information is obtained from the Complainant, to the extent possible on the Complaint Form, and recorded:
4.6.1. full name and surname;
4.6.2. email address;
4.6.3. affected transactions (if applicable);
4.6.4. the date that the issue arose and a description of the issue;
4.6.5. the Service provided by the Company related to the Complaint;
4.6.6. member of the staff responsible for the provision of this Service (if applicable);
4.6.7. Complainant’s own description of the facts related to the Complaint, i.e. the content; and
4.6.8. reference of any correspondence exchanged between the Company and the Complainant (if applicable).
4.7. The Company will thoroughly examine and assess the facts and the information provided by the Complainant and the relevant members of the staff. Compare these facts with the information and data which have been retrieved from the Company’s archive (i.e. the Complainant’s transactions, trading history, correspondence, other electronic records). This investigation will also include the events preceding or leading to the Complaint.
4.8. The Company will not handle or investigate a Complaint if the Complainant does not complete the Complaint Form or does not provide the information requested in clause 4.6. of this procedure. In such an event the Company shall revert back to the Complainant and request to send any additional information. In any event, a member of senior management may contact the Complainant directly in order to obtain further clarifications and information relating to the Complaint. The Company shall need the Complainant’s cooperation in order to handle the Complaint.
4.9. The Company upon examining the complaint and reaching a decision to this respect shall inform the Complainant about the Company’s decision, in writing and in plain language which is clearly understood, together with the reasoning of the Company’s decision and any remedial measures it intends to take.
4.10. The Company shall make every effort to resolve the complaint within fifteen (15) working days. When deemed necessary, customer support or a member of the compliance staff shall convey the complaint to the senior management for further investigation. In this case, the Company might take additional five (5) working days to finalise the reply. The senior management shall investigate further and coordinate with relevant members of the staff to attend to the subject of the Complaint.
4.11. In the event that the Company cannot provide a response to the Complainant within the handling time given to the complainant, it will keep the Complainant informed about reasons of delay and indicate when the investigation is expected to be completed. This period of time cannot exceed two (2) months from the submission of the Complaint.
4.12. Once the Complaint is concluded and Company has reached final decision customer support will be responsible of keeping an full electronic record of the Complaint received, detailing the course of action which was taken, including what information, data and evidence were gathered, what measures were taken for the resolution, whether any conflicts of interest between the Company and its clients and between other clients were identified, what was the outcome and how that outcome was reached.
4.13. The Company shall maintain record of all complaints for a minimum period of five years after the closure of the Customer’s Margin Account.
5.1. If the Complainant is not fully satisfied with the Company’s final decision the case can be referred to the Dutch Financial Services Complaints Tribunal (Kifid) using Company’s relevant registration number 400.000422. The Kifid consists of the Financial Services Ombudsman and the Financial Services Disputes Committee.
5.2. Ultimately the Complainant may turn to the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) or to relevant courts.
6.1. Customer support will analyse, on an on-going basis, Complaints handling data, in order to identify and address the causes of the individual Complaints and/or any recurring or systematic problems and/or any potential legal and operational risks. Subsequently the relevant member of the staff or senior management should be informed and if necessary, take corrective action.
6.2. This Complaints Handling Procedure will be made available on the Website.
6.3. The Complaints Handling Procedure is available to all the members of the staff through email and an internal folder in the Company’s channels of communication which can be accessed at any time without any restrictions.
This form is an electronic document that must be filled out by you to lodge a formal Complaint about CFD Trading service provided by Change Securities B.V. This form is part of the formal Complaints Handling Procedure regarding the investment or ancillary services provided to you.
Please note that it is Company’s policy not to accept any verbal complaints or grievances.
If you have any questions please contact the Company by email [email protected], through mobile application or sending the letter to Keizersgracht 482, 1017EG Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
In force from 2022-08-01
Conversion fee is service expense, which is applied in addition to Conversion Rate.
Exciting news - we’re upgrading our Bug Bounty Programme!
Your funds and data security are paramount for us. So, we truly appreciate the time and effort you put into helping improve our app by detecting and reporting vulnerabilities to us. To make it worth your while, we’re reviewing and upgrading our Bug Bounty Programme.
The new rewards system alongside updated terms and conditions are 'under construction' as we speak. You’re still welcome to report any vulnerabilities by emailing us at [email protected]. However, we can’t guarantee any rewards while we’re reviewing the programme.
Thank you for your patience. Stay tuned!
Token Swap Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between the SPV and each Tokenholder or holder of CNG Tokens. Accepting the Terms and/or acquiring CNG Tokens means that you have fully agreed to all the terms and conditions. In addition to the Terms, each Tokenholder or holder of CNG Tokens is obliged to comply with the technical rules associated with the relevant smart contract.
Token Swap Terms are available on this link.
If you have any questions regarding the Terms or such technical rules, please contact us at [email protected].
In force from 2022-06-28
This Privacy Policy describes the general principles on how Change processes your personal data and is applicable to any person who uses, has used or has expressed their intent to use the services of Change. All of the definitions used in and all circumstances not covered by this Privacy Policy shall be regulated by the terms and conditions of Change and/or Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
The policy concerning the processing of cookies is described in Cookie Policy and is accessible on the Website.
Change has appointed a data protection officer, who can be reached via [email protected]. All of the inquiries and complaints concerning the processing of personal data should be addressed to said email address.
1.1. Change is to be considered a data controller in respect of personal data collected and processed in respect of providing Services to you.
1.2. In the case of CFD Trading Change Securities B.V. is to be considered a data controller in respect of personal data collected and processed in respect of providing services to you, in which case Change is considered either a data processor or a data controller. If the purpose and means of processing of personal data has been jointly determined by intragroup companies of Change, the parties are considered joint controllers, e.g. in cases where the purpose of processing your data is to notify you of amendments in terms and conditions, including this Privacy Policy, or marketing under our legitimate interest.
1.3. In the case of Getchange account and debit card UAB Finansinės paslaugos “Contis“ is to be considered a data controller, the terms stipulated in clause 1.2 respectively apply, and Change is considered either a data processor, data controller or a joint controller, provided the purpose and means of processing of personal data has been jointly determined by the parties. More information about the processing of personal data in respect of providing payment services to you can be found from this link.
1.4. In the context of this Privacy Policy references to “we”, “us”, “our” means Change, including all of its affiliates, provided the parties are separate data controllers or joint controllers.
1.5. Generally personal data is collected directly from you, and from the information and documents you have provided. However, in order to comply with the legal obligations personal data, e.g. identification, identity document and financial data, is also collected from other sources, e.g. from third parties and public sources.
2.1. We are processing the following categories of personal data:
2.1.1. identification data, e.g. your photo, name, date and place of birth, address;
2.1.2. identity document data, e.g. photo of the document, number and validity;
2.1.3. contact data, e.g. phone number, email address;
2.1.4. financial data, e.g. ownership and source of funds and/or wealth;
2.1.5. transaction data and the nature of using the service, e.g. transaction sums, counter-parties, bank account and card number(s) and account holders;
2.1.6. other data used for performing customer due diligence measures, assessing trustworthiness and to prevent fraud, e.g. media coverage, occupation and connection to other persons, and device information and location; and
2.1.7. correspondence between you and us.
3.1. In general we are processing your personal data for the performance of or entering into a contract with you, i.e. personal data is processed for the purposes of providing the services. Without processing personal data, we would be unable to provide services to you, including due to regulatory restrictions.
3.2. The purposes for which we are processing personal data are the following:
3.2.1. fulfilling a contractual obligation, e.g. executing your transaction orders and ensuring the safety of your assets;
3.2.2. fulfilling a legal obligation, e.g. ensuring the security of accessing the Account and the transactions and using the data for accounting and reporting purposes;
3.2.3. public interest, e.g. by performing necessary acts in order to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism and thus to ensure the proper identity verification;
3.2.4. sending informative and promotional notifications, or collecting, processing storing and disclosing personal information, e.g. name and contact information, with our partners in order to conduct campaigns and ship the rewards, under a revocable consent received from you; and
3.2.5. our legitimate interest to prevent fraud and to improve our products and services, as well as to promote the launch and usage of new functionalities and features and to illustrate the benefits and possibilities of cryptocurrencies and investing, e.g. by identifying concurrently used app versions and by sending promotional content regarding new features and products, and to conduct campaigns, including in co-operation with third-parties, and ship the rewards.
3.3. For entering into and for the performance of the contractual agreement between you and us and for public interests, Change is applying certain automated decision-making methods to assess your capability, suitability, behaviour and reputation, whether to enter into or to continue a contractual relationship. The aforesaid assessment is accompanied by human-intervention by an employee of Change, who will perform the final assessment.
3.4. For entering into a contract and for the performance of a legal obligation Change may be obliged to assess your capability, suitability, behaviour, reputation and financial situation, whether to enter into or to continue a contractual relationship with you, in which case the personal data is processed by Change as a data processor on behalf of Change Securities B.V..
4.1. Your personal data is being processed by the following categories of data recipients:
4.1.1. our employees responsible for specific tasks regarding the Services;
4.1.2. data processors who help us with providing the services, e.g. service providers for the maintenance of our IT-systems and for fulfilling our legal obligations;
4.1.3. third parties to whom we are required to transfer data under applicable legislation, e.g. relevant state institutions and sector-specific authorities.
4.1.4. third parties who help us in developing and promoting the services.
4.2. Change has engaged a third-party service provider, Onfido GmbH, a company located and registered in Germany, for obtaining certain information required in relation to the fulfilment of its obligations under anti-money laundering and terrorist financing prevention rules. While providing services to Change, Onfido GmbH processes your personal data as a data processor, however, for enhancing its machine learning capabilities Onfido GmbH is also processing your personal data as a data controller. To acquaint yourself with the relevant data processing activities which Onfido GmbH undertakes as a data controller we advise your to read and review the privacy policy located on You should be aware that Change takes no responsibility in relation to processing activities Onfido GmbH undertakes as a data controller and you are free to fully and independently exercise your rights as a data subject in relation to Onfido GmbH.
4.3. We are not responsible for the actions and processing activities of any third parties. Third parties are considered to be separate data controllers, whose services can be procured by concluding separate agreements with them. Third parties may transfer your personal data to Third Countries and process it for independent purposes.
4.4. Although generally the personal data is processed within the European Economic Area, certain activities may result in the transferring of personal data to Third Countries, meaning countries located outside the EU/EEA, and to countries in relation to which the EU Commission has not issued an adequacy decision, e.g. the US. For ensuring that your personal data is protected, we have committed to applying appropriate safeguards, including but not limited to assessing the security and due diligence measures and regulatory compliance of these persons, concluding relevant data processing agreements and standard data protection clauses adopted by the European Commission for the transfers. In case you wish to know more about the safeguards and obtain a relevant copy of them, please contact us using the details specified above.
4.5. We shall maintain the confidentiality of all information of which we become aware on the basis of the relationship with you, including information concerning you and the Payment Account and Payment Transactions thereof, unless the right or obligation to disclose information arises from legislation.
4.6. We shall be released from the obligation to maintain confidentiality to the extent that you have granted consent to the disclosure of information in writing or in the Apps or our Website or to the extent a disclosure of confidential information is allowed or required under applicable laws and/or mandatory orders by regulatory authorities.
5.1. Your personal data is generally retained as long as you are using the Services. After you have stopped using the Services and your Account has been closed, your personal data shall be retained as long as any claims can be presented on the basis of such data under applicable legislation.
5.2. Certain data, e.g. data obtained for the purposes of the fulfilment of obligations related to anti-money laundering and terrorist financing prevention, or data necessary for accounting purposes, shall be retained as required under applicable legislation and industry standards. Generally, respectively at least for 5 or 7 years since the date of closing the Account, but not longer than 10 years.
5.3. We shall immediately terminate processing the data that is processed under your consent, if the consent is revoked, and the processing of personal data under legitimate interest, if you have declared objection to such processing.
6.1. You, as a data subject, are, at any time, entitled to exercise the following rights:
6.1.1. The right to request the correction of your personal data;
6.1.2. The right to request access to your personal data;
6.1.3. The right to request the erasure of your personal data;
6.1.4. The right to withdraw the consent on which the processing is based;
6.1.5. The right to request the restriction of processing your personal data;
6.1.6. The right to object to the processing of your personal data;
6.1.7. The right to exercise data portability in cases where such data has been provided by you for the performance of or entering into a contractual relationship by accepting the Terms or under the consent; and
6.1.8. The right to lodge a complaint respectively to Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate at or Dutch Data Protection Authority at
This document applies to all Services provided via Change Apps. You can access and download a copy of this document at any time from
This notice provides you with information about the risks associated with cryptoasset services provided by Change and investment services provided by Company. In this document:
If you have any questions you can contact the Company by:
All of the terms and definitions not stipulated in this document are stipulated in the various chapters of the Terms and Conditions available on the Website.
You gain ownership of the underlying asset when using the Conversion Service offered by Change. In addition, Company offers contracts for difference (CFDs) that provide exposure to cryptoassets, stocks, commodities, ETFs or indices.
Any transactions relating to cryptoassets, stocks, ETFs and indices where leverage is offered or which allow you to enter into short-selling transactions shall be considered CFD Trading provided by Company.
Since cryptoasset markets are decentralized and not regulated to the degree of investment services then customers using the services provided by Change will not fully benefit from the protections available to clients receiving regulated investment services such as the access to the Dutch investor compensation scheme (ICS) operated by the Dutch central bank and the Dutch Financial Services Complaints Tribunal (Kifid) for dispute resolution. Customers of Company will continue to benefit from the rules relating to best execution and client money and safekeeping of client assets.
All these products carry a high degree of risk and are not suitable for many investors. This notice provides you with information about the risks associated with these products but it cannot explain all of the risks nor how such risks relate to your personal circumstances. If you are in doubt you should seek professional advice. It is important that you fully understand the risks involved before deciding to use the Services and that you have adequate financial resources to bear such risks and that you monitor your positions carefully. Trading involves risk to your capital. You should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose, however you cannot lose more than the equity in your account.
CFD stands for “Contract For Difference”, meaning you are not buying the underlying asset, but rather purchasing a contract to settle the difference in the initial and ending price of the asset. When trading CFDs, you generally trade on margin, which means you only have to deposit a small percentage of the overall value of your position. This is known as “leverage”, and even small market movements may have a great impact, negative or positive on your trading account.
If the market moves against you, you may sustain a total loss greater than the funds invested in a specific position. You are responsible for all losses on your account up to the equity in your account.
Before deciding to trade on margin you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Company’s CFDs are not listed on any exchange. CFDs involve greater risk than investing in on-exchange products, as market liquidity cannot be guaranteed and it may be more difficult to liquidate an existing position. The prices and other conditions are set by us in accordance with our obligation to provide best execution as set out in our order Best Execution Policy, to act reasonably and in accordance with the applicable Terms and Conditions. The characteristics of our CFDs can vary substantially from the actual underlying market or instrument. Full details of all of our CFDs are set out on our website. In respect of corporate events with respect to the underlying assets, We do not aim to make a profit from our clients from the outcome of corporate events such as rights issues, takeovers, mergers, share distributions or consolidations and open offers. We aim to reflect the treatment we receive, or, would receive if we were hedging our exposure to you in the underlying market. Ultimately however, you are not dealing in the underlying market and therefore in relation to our CFDs the treatment you receive may be less advantageous than if you owned the underlying instrument.
CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Between 74-89% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work, and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
CFDs are not suited to the long term investor. If you hold a CFD open over a long period of time the associated costs increase (such as overnight fees), and it may be more beneficial to buy the underlying asset instead. Sudden market movements, known as “gapping” may occur, causing a dramatic shift in the price of an underlying asset. Gapping may occur when the underlying market is closed, meaning the price on the underlying market may open at a significantly different level, and at a less advantageous price for you.
At all times during which you have open positions, you must ensure that your account meets margin requirements, which may change from time to time. Therefore, if the price moves against you or if margin requirements have changed, you may need to provide a significant amount of additional funds to meet your margin requirement, at short notice, to maintain your open positions. If you do not do this, Company will be entitled to close one or more or all of your positions and you alone will be responsible for any losses incurred as a result.
Before we open a Margin Account for you, we are required to make an assessment of whether the product(s) and/or services you have chosen are appropriate for you, and to warn you if, on the basis of the information you provide to us, any product or service is not appropriate. If you decide to continue and open a Margin Account with us, you are confirming that you are aware of and understand the risks.
You should further ensure you are able to monitor positions on your account at all times, as you are solely responsible for this. We are not responsible for monitoring positions on your account.
Although the CFD trading platform is automated and we are giving you the best execution available, it is possible that the market price could have changed between order placement and execution time, and therefore we cannot guarantee that the price requested will be the same as the price that the order is executed, the price you receive can be in your favour or against you.
To limit losses, we require you to choose or set ourselves “stop-loss” limits. These set limits to automatically close your position when it reaches a price limit of your choice. There are however circumstances in which a “stop-loss” limit is not fully effective – for example, where there are rapid price movements, or market closure.
In addition, there are risks associated with use of online deal execution and trading systems including, but not limited to, software and hardware failure and internet disconnection.
Since cryptoasset markets are decentralized and not regulated to the degree of investment services then customers using the services provided by Change will not fully benefit from the protections available to clients receiving regulated investment services under the so-called MiFID regime. This also means that there is no central bank that can take corrective measure to protect the value of cryptoasset in a crisis or issue more currency.
Cryptoasset market is determined only by supply and demand and is often highly unpredictable and volatile. The price of a cryptoasset is usually not transparent and highly speculative and susceptible to market manipulation. In the worst case scenario the product could be rendered worthless.
It is important to make a distinction between indicative prices which are displayed on charts and dealable prices which are displayed in the Apps. Indicative quotes only give an indication of where the market is. Because the cryptoassets markets are decentralized, meaning it lacks a single central exchange where all transactions are conducted, each market maker may quote slightly different prices. Therefore, any prices displayed on any chart made available by us or by a third party will only reflect indicative prices and not necessarily actual dealing prices where trades can be executed.
Cryptoasset trading is prone to being misused for illegal activities due to the pseudonymity or even anonymity of transactions and investors would be adversely affected if law enforcement agencies investigate any alleged illicit activities.
Accordingly, cryptoassets should be seen as an asset class with extremely high risks and you should never invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Given the foregoing, cryptoasset are not appropriate for all investors. You should not deal in these products unless you have the necessary knowledge and expertise, you understand these products’ characteristics and your exposure to risk. You should also be satisfied that the product is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial position. In addition, use of our Services can never be considered a safe investment rather only an investment with a high risk of loss inherently associated with it. Furthermore, our own fee is added to online quotes, if applicable, which makes trading with the Apps even more volatile.
The risk of loss in trading cryptoassets can be substantial. You should, therefore, carefully consider whether such trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances and financial resources. You should be aware that you may sustain a total loss of the money deposited.
Since blockchains are independent public or private peer-to peer network and not in any way or manner controlled by us, we shall not be responsible for any failure and/or mistake and/or error and/or breach which shall occur in any blockchain or in any other networks in which the cryptoassets are being issued and/or traded. You will be bound and subject to any change and/or amendments in the blockchain system and subject to any applicable law which may apply to the blockchain. We make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, statutory or otherwise, regarding the blockchain functionality nor for any breach of security in the blockchain.
Change does not own or control the underlying software protocols which govern the operation of cryptoasset available for trading in the Apps. In general, the underlying protocols are open source and anyone can use, copy, modify, and distribute them. Change is not responsible for operation of the underlying protocols and makes no guarantee of their functionality, security, or availability. The underlying protocols are subject to sudden changes in operating rules (so-called forks), and such events may materially affect the value, function, and/or even the name of the cryptoasset Change holds on your behalf. In the event of a fork, we may temporarily suspend operations (with or without advance notice to you) and that Change may (a) configure or reconfigure its systems or (b) decide not to support (or cease supporting) the forked protocol entirely. Change may, but is not obligated to do so, adjust your account in respect of a fork depending on the circumstances of each event attributable to any specific cryptoasset held by you.
We may elect to execute any order and/or hold any fiat money and cryptoasset via third parties. Such third parties are not banks that guarantee the deposits made to them. If any such third party loses any money, fails or goes out of business, there is no specific legal protection that covers you for losses arising from any funds or cryptoassets you may have held with such third party, even when such party is registered with a competent authority. Depending on the structure and security of the digital wallet, some may be vulnerable to hacks, resulting in the theft or loss of customer assets. Change will not be responsible in the event of losses caused by those third parties.
If at any time any of the cryptoasset that forms the subject of your order is delisted and/or we no longer support the trading in such cryptoasset for any reason, then the applicable order will be immediately closed. If Change is notified that a cryptoasset you hold is likely to be delisted and/or removed and/or canceled from any of the exchanges (some of them or all) and we believes that it shall not be able to trade in such cryptoasset, we shall make an effort to sell the cryptoasset on your behalf at such time and price, and in such manner, as it determines.
While trading using the Apps, system errors might occur. You should be aware of the risks that may result from any system failure which could mean that your order may be delayed or fail.
You acknowledge that there are risks associated with utilizing a mobile-based trading system over the internet including, but not limited to, the failure of hardware, software, and internet connections, the risk of malicious software introduction, the risk that third parties may obtain unauthorized access to information and/or assets (including your cryptoasset) stored on your behalf, cyber-attack, the cryptoasset network failure (such as blockchain), computer viruses, communication failures, disruptions, errors, distortions or delays you may experience when trading via the Services, howsoever caused, spyware, scareware, Trojan horses, worms or other malware that may affect your computer or other equipment, or any phishing, spoofing or other attack. You should also be aware that SMS and email services are vulnerable to spoofing and phishing attacks and should use care in reviewing messages purporting to originate from us.
Our fees and charges are set out on the Website and in the Apps. Please be aware of all costs and charges that apply to you, because such costs and charges will affect your profitability.
Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices, or other information contained on the Website or in the Apps are provided as general market commentary, and do not constitute investment advice. We shall not be responsible for any loss arising from any investment based on any recommendation, forecast or other information provided.
Past performance is not an indication of future performance. The value of investments can go down as well as up.
All balances related to your Account with us are held in euros which may be different from the currency you used to deposit, accordingly you should be aware of currency fluctuations.